I'm the idiot? You still don't get it. You think that demand for a product outweighs its safety. You think that demand for a product outweighs economic damage to its manufacturer. You think that an explosive device, normally carried inches from the family jewels, is okay if it is considered cool by early adapters. Here's the relative science: Heat + Fuel + Oxygen = Fire!
Youre such an idiot. You have no idea why its happening. Let me break it down for you. A minor number of batteries had metal shavings in them, now if you anything about how lithium ion batteries work, they negative and positive chambers are separated. Only when EXTERNAL HEAT is applied ie overcharging or something like that do the metal shaving heat up and break down the the divider seperating the 2. This happens well within 72 hours of activiating using the phone, not weeks or months later. Only a small batch had this defect. Its been happening to iphones since the 5 came out too. They already found most the claims to be false anyway. Like i say to you all the time, do some fucking research. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
The note series is dead, it literally went up in flames. If you don't think this will hit Samsung hard you are completely clueless. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
For a smart guy, you're really fucking dumb. You are so stubbornly in the Samsung camp that you want to talk specifics about what makes these things go up in flames instead of just acknowledging that some of them do. The general public, and they're the ones who buy the vast majority of these things, don't give a shit about metal filings, external heat or a 72 hour window. They just know that the Samsung Note 7 CATCHES ON FIRE! So does the CPSC, the TSA and more governmental agencies that have or will ban the use of these devices. There will be billions of dollars in losses and a revamping of all their phones will be necessary to restore consumer confidence sufficiently to allow them to compete at a level near where they were before this debacle. Nothing you can say, no excuses that you make, none of the cheerleading you do is going to change that. It's too late to sell your Samsung stock (as if you had any), much of the losses have been taken but there may be an opportunity in the future to pick some up at fire sale prices.
I laugh at you. You always talk like youre dropping knowledge. The is that samsunh paid 3rd party independent people to figure out the problem and they couldnt replicate the alleged scenarios excpet for one, trauma. Of all the phones semt back NONE of the batteries were the cause of the phone going up in flame. Now if your dumbass paid attention, to the battery lesson and understand it, youd already know why there's no real danger. If a new phone is coming out in the spring that means they have already been working on it since before the note 7 dropped. The only people making a big deal out of this are fickle americans and iphone fans which suprise, doesnt make up the majority in the world. Go read a real article or two. Not speculatory scare bullshit. Facts Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
You really don't get it, do you? Get out of that hovel in your grandmother's basement and take a few business courses if you want to understand. This is a business matter, nothing else. If you want to discuss the business aspects of this situation, that's fine. If you can't climb out of that nerd world in which you reside you're on your own.
Lmao yeah i live in my grandmothers basement. Boy you have me pegged. Yeah i already told you, dumbasses like you who are technology challenged dont understand the tech world. Samsung only killed the phone because they have a new one coming out in a matter of months. Its no sweat off their back because its still going ro be better than the iphone 7 so they know people will buy it. Its not rocket science. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
Try getting on an airplane carrying a Note 7. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/10/14/dot-bans-samsung-galaxy-note-7-flights/92066322/
It's about time something made the price on those phones drop. zace, I hope you're better at nursing than you are at making internet arguments.
welp.. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-07/report-of-different-samsung-phone-model-exploding Report of Different Samsung Phone Model Exploding