‘S-300, S-400 air defenses in place’: Russian MoD warns US-led coalition not to strike Syrian army https://www.rt.com/news/361800-russia-syria-usa-aistrikes/
Putler's on a bridge in New York. Well I'll be damned. I want to send the idiots who posted it to a gulag out in Siberia. Hell, send them out to live like the average Russian lives under Putler-- standing in bread lines and chugging piss warm vodka by the glassful. But veee do eet for zee health!
You make a great point. Especially with Phatboi popping nukes every chance he gets. I guess he doesn't realize or care that he's not the only one with Nukes in theatre.
Russia is paper tiger. Their economy is fvcked up. Saudi Arabia didn't reduce their oil output to keep the oil prices down and this truly fvcked up Russia who is highly dependent on energy prices. Russia and their nukes makes me laugh. . Let them first feed their poor vodka holic idiot citizens.
I think Phatboi will be the phantom reason for the start of the war. Before there was USA, Japan and China Empires hated each other. Now there is also South Korea in the region which is becoming an economic power. An ambitous China is a problem for Japan and Korea well before USA. And with China creating those manfuctured islands on pacific to control the trade is the biggest global economic and political problem at the moment. Something is brewing there and the cards will be dealt in a few years. Too bad we have Trump the idiot whose dick is bigger than his brain and Hillary the woman who stomached his husband feeding his dick to Monica for her own career aspirations.
Yup Obama has been fucking Russia in the ass with his policies. It's all working great. Unless Trump gets elected. See the Russians want Trump because they know they can sucker Trump into lifting everything Obama has imposed.
Instead of arming rebels who are likely to become terror organizations, why don't we just drop in food water and shelters and use our military to distribute aid. Instead of arming rebels or creating a no fly zone which sets us up for a confrontation, lets let the Russians and Assad shot Americans delivering aid to Muslim women in children in Syria. I think we have the technology to take pictures and distribute them. We did something called the Berlin air lift which was extremely effective in keeping us out of a shooting war and making us look like heroes to a generation of Germans under Soviet control. Putin shot down a jet full of Dane's let him kill American delivering aid to women and children. I don't think he has the balls to actually do that. We might even get some good will from doing something good instead of arming and training the next generation of Muslim terrorists.
The goal was to remove Saddam one way or the other too and look what that got us.. Sometimes, we really need to just leave shit alone. If the Russians want Syria, let them have it. Syria was never a real threat to either the US or the Israelis. Let the Russians bankroll another failed country with their cash.
Saudi Arabia cares. We're doing this for them in exchange for keeping our oil deals flowing. Oil for rent a premier world military. Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
We should be off oil anyway. With all the technology we have and the advancements we made we have not been able to change the way a car runs in over 100 years?
when we finally move away from oil, not completely but by a large amount, I wonder how Saudi Arabia would act.
Ah the Brits... They are now talking about sending their jet fighters to Syria to establish the no-fly zone. Hello, Eurofighter, meet the S-400...