Just finished the first season of Stranger Things on Netflix. I highly recommend it. Really well made. Anyone else watch yet?
Really enjoyed it. Such a good cast! All the kids did an amazing job. Sent from my SM-N910U using Tapatalk
I watched the whole thing but I didn't really like it. I didn't hate it but it's almost like a copy cat show. You can tell the writers and stuff were movie buffs so they just copied/blended stuff from all their favorite movies from the 70s,80s, 90s and put it into one show that wasn't as good as the stuff they were copying/blending together. Its kinda like when you order a glass of wine these days they have the wine blends. Instead of just drinking an awesome aged Cabernet Sauvignon or Pinot Noir they push you to order the brand new "Super Tuscan" with a fancy label on it which is a blend of everything that turns out to be complicated and not as good as the original varieties. They slap a fancy label on it and lots of people think its awesome and unique when its really not. That's Stranger Things.... the intro is awesome... the show? just okay. Its enjoyable to watch casually but I don't get all the hubbub for the show.
You aren't wrong about them blending all that stuff together, but I think you should give them more credit for it working. Doing something like that is easier said than done. It could have been terrible. Was it as good as that old stuff? Probably not, but compared to shows and films in 2016: it was refreshing.
Bump. I feel like this show got more, and more popular by word of mouth since the last post. I posted I would check it out, and I did. I watched it all in a 24 hour period, and was addicted. There's some good stuff on YouTube about the show too. To anyone seeing this thread for the first time, it is a MUST watch. Ps. Does anybody have a clue when season 2 will come out?