This is getting to be freaking rediculous. You can't even sack the QB without getting a roughing call. What the hell. That was a clean good solid hit by any definition on Brady, and that could have made the game 10-3 instead of 7-6 at half time.
how come the roughing calls always go against us? i guess the refs have no intrest in protecting our qbs
Right on. ANd anyone else notice that Hobson never "lifted" theQB but Brady actually did a little hop?..... makes me wonder if he purposely did that to draw a call.... at any rate, it was bullshit. Hobson had full mementum into the tackle, Brady still had the ball when he made contact, and there was nothing flagrant.
ALL CALLS GO AGAINST THE JETS! It's a GD shame too. I'm just getting more and more fed up with the bias.
I agree. A bullshit call. Thanks to the pansies on the competition committee, but that's called every sunday.
sick and tired...... I am so sick and tired of all this roughing the passer bullshit.....I thought this was football. How can the refs expect a LB with a 15 yard running head start, stop and not hit a QB that releases the ball after he is alraedy in the LB's grasp. That's a horrible freakin call..especially since it was an interception.
Seriously, at this point, the NFL should just make QB wear a red jersey and just not allow any hitting against the QB. It is just complete bullshit. Chad took at least 3 or 4 of those types of hits this year, and none were called.
No it's called when we are on D but it's not called when Chad is the QB- if it was I could accept it more.
That was a clean hit, and it might change the outcome of the game. But... Watching Ton Brady get f'ing planted for 10 yards was simply awesome.
The league is rigged, most of the time against us. They've hated us since we beat the colts in 1969, since then they've been hell bent on screwing us over.
Forget roughing the passer calls. I'm sick of the refs being in New England's back pocket. What about the fact that not only did the Pats clearly get away with a false start but also with a delay of game, both on the same play before their second FG. Can't wait for the second half.
(1) Defenders aren't allowed to hit the QB low at the knees. (2) Defenders aren't allowed to hit the QB high at the head. (3) Defenders are allowed to hit QBs in the mid-section, as long as it's before the pass is thrown and they don't drive the QB into the ground. (4) Defenders aren't allowed to hit QBs if they slide to the ground. (5) Defenders aren't allowed to hit QBs if they're on their way out of bounds. Jesus frickin' Christ. QBs are getting such an unfair advantage now. If the league is going to protect them to that extent, then they should modify the rules to balance it out for defenders too. For example, if a defender has his hands on the QB before the ball is thrown, the QB should be considered down right away. That prevents QBs from just chuck it while the defenders are 'hugging' them, since they can't do anything more than that these days. Hell, they should get rid of tackling altogether and make it a 2-hand touch league. Fuckers.
Yeah, because the rise of the AFL and subsequent merger have been horrible for the NFL, right? Screw the Jets over. Man law? Man law!