First of all I have zero problem with anyone taking the sun in the buff, to each his own ,,,literally,,,,,,,BUT that said do I really have to look at pics of Brady in the buff , I mean where the hell is his wife THOSE ARE THE PICS I WANT TO SEE,,,,rant over
YOU Guys must live in caves ,,,,it is not only on the internet it has been on tv as well,,,hell , Mike and Mike on ESPN were talking about it on they're show on TV today,,,and yes thankfully they did show blurred out pictures of Brady
You don't have to live in a cave to avoid ESPN at all costs. You saw Tom Brady naked LOL. Is this just about the guilt you felt when you got a chubby?
On a side note, I don't get the hype around Gisele. She looks like a spider with tits and a horseface.
When I see the headline "Tom Brady nude" I do what any red blooded American male does...ignore it and move on to Asian beauties porn.
Abyz once again to each his own again literally,,,,,,,but I think Gisele is quite the hottie,,,,,maybe I just like spiders and horses .
No cushin for the pushin bro. You want to have sex with a skeleton? Plus I don't like chicks who are taller than me. You can't be taller than me and skinny as hell, okay. that's just not going to work
Odd, I listen to BSPN radio all the time and have heard no mention of this, nor would I even be tempted to click on a link with nude pix of Brady.
Maybe you were taking a dump when Mike and Mike did an entire segment on it,,,,,,,,,does your cave have cable tv ?
My problem is I just can't masturbate to the pics 24 hours a day; I have to recharge in between sessions. I'm only getting in about 23 1/2 hours of strokin' to Tom at this point. I better work on that in preparation for the Fitzpatrick nudes.