what the hell, Thanksgiving football on the NFL network? why? are they having thanksgiving NFL games on regular broadcast tv or will they piss on that tradition too?
They don't mention the bad calls by the officials because the announcers are paid off, just like the officials are.
I hope Mangini drops this "cool hand luke" shit and goes off at least ONE TIME when we get jerked. Its almost like nothing bugs him..
I think he is just a good liar and holds it all in. Wants to gain respect and get the calls from refs like Belibitch.
Looks like you need... TOM COUGHLIN Disclaimer: I have no idea where this picture came from. All I did was google "Tom Coughlin". I am in no way responsible for that horrifying creation.
there was a nother roughing in washington game, i just watched it, this is bullshit, called on darwin walker he didnt drag him down, he let go and brunell fell over from darwin's momentum
This kid is just too sick. He may not be a good CB, but man is he valuable on ST. He's worth the roster spot for that alone.