I've Had Fucking Enough Of This He Was Throwing The Ball He Was Tackled!!! Tough Shit, It Was An Int Change This Rule Now!
why do we always get that bullshit call on us!?!?!?! i hate this shit, quarterbacks are players too! they should be allowed to be hit just like anyone else. BULLSHIT!
BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Against Cle we score a TD and they screw us on the bad call and Chad gets hit in the helmet and no call and here we get a great play and of course the flag comes out- why are opponents allowed to do whatever they want to Chad and we can't do anythin to opposing QBs??????????????
There is No way That Hobson could do anything. In his mind he's getting the Sack. It's calls like that where the Games change too much because of a call. Every FUCKIN Week there is a BS call that Just destroys us...WHY!?