Resigning Fitzpatrick was a major mistake

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Greenday4537, Sep 11, 2016.

  1. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Can this thread be voted for the best "beating a dead horse" award. At least for the most repeated "water under the bridge" topic of all time. If not it could be close to the top three.
    Points that been widely discussed by most Jets fans.
    1- Yes, yes, yes the FO knows exactly what they are getting with Fitz and they know it's a short term solution. But for now it's the best short term solution. "Hold the fort type or not" he is holding a damned good fort so far.
    2- No,no,no the fact they kept Geno in the presence of an injured Petty is no indication as to how ready or not Petty could be. Fact is, Petty had a great pre season, is growing leaps and bounds, and there isn't a shred of evidence against him not becoming a damned good starter.
    3- Yes,yes, yes. Hack was brought in to continue to strenghten the future QB position, it has very little to do with Petty's potential and a lot to do with adding competition and options for the future.
    4- Yes, yes, yes the FO has serious concerns if Geno can be the future starter for the Jets. Isn't that obvious by now? However, A solid back up at low cost for a year is a no brainer. Ask Chicago, Dallas, NE, Washington and many others if that is not the case.

    On the other hand, Who would have guest that our biggest near term problem was the play of the secondary? If we can fix that we can be very competitive. The days of single coverage against today's lightening fast WRs are over, particularly for Revis, so let's hope we scheme differently. Next year might be a change of position and or contract for him.

    IMO The resigning of Fitz is providing much needed stability to an organization on its way up. I was not crazy about it in the off season but hope he proves us all dead wrong.
    We are winning, and playing competitive against very good teams, players respect the QB, so let's not rekindle the past, That horse is dead.
    We should all want for Fitz to kick major ass. It's what's best for this years Jets.​
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  2. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    I was thinking more of a friendly bet. I'm not going to try and collect 50 bucks off a stranger on the internet lol. More like loser picks the winners avatar for a week or somehting.

    And yes if he was to suffer a career ending injury it would be off, unless he's like 30 and been a backup for the last 8 years lol
  3. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    Cman is good for it. Petty will start for this team tho. Unless the jets magically get a franchise qb, which i dont think is gonna happen.

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  4. BuzzKillington

    Aug 30, 2016
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    If Geno Smith wasn't a a hot pile of steaming crap, the Jets wouldn't have been forced to re-sign Fitzpatrick.
    FlaJet likes this.
  5. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    You mean like Brady, right?
  6. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Fitz has been better then Aaron Rodgers the past 8 games heh:


    Fitz Numbers:

    2,269 yards
    18 TDs/5 INTs
    96 QBR

    Why bother even shelling out crazy money for QBs, if they can't lift the performance of the offense?
    Lon Chaney and Freddy Mondo like this.
  7. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    yes but Fitz is a journeyman and Geno is very mature now
  8. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    Um let me think about
    I mean like sean hill who just started for the vikings a week ago and started for the lions a few times.

    When I say "starting QB" i mean in a sense that the team goes this is our QB, we aren't drafting a replacement, we aren't bringing in a veteran other then a backup. Not a we have no choice cause someone got hurt. hell brooks bollinger was a starting QB for us for half a season, doesn't make him a starter in the NFL. if you are on the forums, you should know the difference between a starting QB and a fill in
  9. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    It was only preseason which doesn't mean too much with opposing defenses being simple and/or vanilla as far as defensive schemes go but over 90 Quarterbacks played throughout the preseason and Bryce Petty, as only a 2nd year QB, was by far top 3 in overall production. So much so where the likes of Jalin, Peake & especially Anderson began to emerge alongside of Petty.

    Bryce Petty went 32/56 (57.1%), 481 yards, 3 TD's/1 INT along with an outstanding QB Rating of 95.9. Shown tremendous deep ball ability with 5 plays over 20 yards & 3 plays of over 40+ yards.

    With Baylor he might've been more of a 1 read type of QB within the system being asked of him but his Baylor days doesn't define his future style of play as an NFL Quarterback. During the preseason he wasn't running Baylors offense and on an NFL level was anything but a "1 read QB". Petty was reading D's at the L.O.S, calling audibles, killing plays, followed by dropping back, scanning the field and finding (multiple) open receivers.

    After seeing Petty's overall improvement from his rookie preseaso to that of his preseason performance as a 2nd year Quarterback I believe you'd have to be either blind, clueless or lack knowledge by not taking note of his overall progression.

    To sit here and act as if Petty has no future or potential as a starting QB imo means that you have an agenda against Petty for whatever reason.
  10. Walt White

    Walt White Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    Clearly he's ready.

    He actually stood near TB during TB's post game locker room speech as if he was actually a part of the team
    #370 Walt White, Sep 20, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2016
  11. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    Lol why would i have an agenda against petty? I'll root for anyone in a jets uniform. Hell i even rooted for Jason Taylor when he was a jet despite hating him for 10 year prior to that. If Tom Brady became a jet tomorrow I'd root for him too.

    The coaching staff and management of the jets clearly didn't feel confident in petty. They went after fitz hard even when he was playing hardball. If they felt petty could start now, they would have moved on from fitz. They didn't cut geno because they didn't believe Petty could be a good back up this year. They drafted Hackenberg because they didn't believe petty could be a future starter for the franchise. This offseason showed the lack of confidence the jets organization has in petty. It's clear as day.

    Preseason is pretty meaningless. Defenses play very vanilla, he was playing against 3rd stringers and people just trying to make a roster. It's a huge difference playing against DCs trying to trick you and show exotic looks and smart CBs baiting you into bad throws while 20+ sack DEs and LBers chase you down. If the staff would have cut geno and named petty the back up, or moved on from fitz and made petty a starter or even a backup to geno, or if they didn't draft a QB in the 2nd round, then you might have a point. but as it stands now the jets don't see him as our future starting QB, but as more of a backup next year when geno is gone. Why you think you know more based on a few preseason games then the staff and scouts of the jets working with him all the time is beyond me. If preseason meant anything robbie anderson would be our 3rd WR. he led all Wrs in preseason, looked better then marshall in games too, but look who beat him out? Enunwa is our 3rd and playing well and Marshall is our 4th and Anderson has yet to see the field.
  12. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    That's all well and good but I do have a PayPal account and like Zace said, $50 won't make or break me :) Besides, since this is open ended, I really wouldn't worry about the $50 coming due next week.
  13. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Whats amazing to me is how some people forget that Petty raised the level of play with whomever he was on the field with. Turned Sudfield into a viable TE. If Petty wasn't so good, Anderson, Peak and Marshall would not have gotten the opportunity to show what they have. Most likely they all wouldn't have made the roster. If Petty wasn't so good, he would have been cut and TB's 4 QB issue doesn't become an issue. I'm more than confident that Petty will start in this league and we'll be damn lucky if it's the Jets.
  14. TouchyFeely

    TouchyFeely Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2013
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    I'm just glad Fitz is here to show our young guys, Geno, Petty and Hack, how it's done. Everyone knows Fitz is a journeyman, even Fitz himself. They're seeing how it's really done. Not as a guy who comes in expected to light things up, but just someone who works hard and does things the right way and it paying dividends for the team and shit stat sheet. He's making it work and showing the lads how it's done.
  15. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    You seem to lack an understanding in regards to developing a quarterback. You're acting as if it happens over night, which it doesn't.

    We have a veteran offense who's ready to win now. You're pretending as if the Jets front office bringing back Fitzpatrick is some type of slight against Petty's future or potential as developing into a starting QB within the future. It's not. The Jets front office would've been clueless to name a 2nd year QB in Petty as a starting QB heading into 2016 when as a rookie last year he had pretty much zero experience during his 1st season. You're wrong as wrong could be. Just because a 2nd year QB such as Petty wasn't given the keys to the car doesn't mean our coaching staff won't continue his development into a future starter once Fitzpatrick moves on.

    In regards to Geno Smith. He could be on our roster for many of reasons and it doesn't slight Petty's future either. Our front office may feel comfortable with Geno as a backup due to his experience with reps as a starter. Their plan could've been to use him as trade bait for a playoff contender outside of the division who loses their starting QB to injury or maybe they simply wanted to continue the evaluation of Geno while he's still under contract. None of this means Petty won't have a future as a potential starter.

    If the Jets believed in Geno... they would've never drafted Petty during the 4th round (you see what I just did there)?

    As far as Hackenberg goes. He's raw. 21 years of age. Once the Jets drafted Hackenberg our front office was yet to see the overall growth and improvements of Petty come OTA's, training camp and preseason. If Fitzpatrick continues to have a strong 2016 he'll be back next year as well (and rightfully so) and Petty as only a 3rd year developing QB will become our #1 backup after Geno becomes a free agent with Hackenberg as our #3. Which means by next year Petty is a solidified #1 backup and one step closer to becoming our starter.

    Our front office must see something in Bryce Petty or else he wouldn't be on the roster after being hurt during preseason.

    And by you using Enunwa as an example proves my point. Last year Enunwa was raw. He lacked experience. It's amazing what having patience while developing a player can do for you, isn't it? And Enunwa is a perfect example. So many fans were ready to quit on Enunwa last year just as you're overlooking Petty. Thankfully our front office and coaching staff knew better; or else Enunwa wouldn't have been given an opportunity to not only continue his development but also emerge here in 2016. Just because the coaching staff believes in Enunwa doesn't mean the likes of Anderson won't be given a chance once Brandon Marshall moves on.

    It's called development. And you should look into & learn about it. Key word being 'development'.
    #375 DefenseWinsChampionships, Sep 20, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2016
  16. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Reactionary threads are the best.

    24/34 for 374 yards, 1 touchdown, 0 turnovers, 1 sack

    Someone feels stupid aye?
  17. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I'm sorry, but I totally disagree with your second paragraph. IMO your logic/reasoning is flawed. You're adding one plus one and coming up with three. You're reading something into their words or actions that aren't there. Petty was a developmental QB who had to adjust to the speed of the NFL, learn the offense, learn to read complex NFL Ds, and make more than one read. If he could have been ready this year, it would have been gravy, but I don't think they even saw him as the potential starter this season. They knew what he needed to work on and what he needed to learn. They are professionals, not fans who think a QB should be able to play at a high level from day one or he's a bust. He struggled in OTAs. If the Jets had entertained any ideas about Petty possibly starting this year (which I don't think they did), that ended them, and probably did any thoughts of his replacing Geno as the backup as well. Even if Petty hadn't gotten injured, I don't think they would have cut Geno and rolled with Petty, and that has nothing to do with what they think of Petty's potential, but rather what they think of Geno's abilities, their not intending to rush a young QB onto the field, and the fact that they're trying to "win now."

    Mac has stated NUMEROUS times that he was not going to make the same mistakes as previous Jet regimes and rush Petty or any young QB onto the field. Thus, the fact that he's not starting this season, nor backing Fitz up doesn't clearly signal anything about Petty's future. It only signals that for this season, the Jets think Fitz is their best option and Geno is their 2nd best option at QB. Notice that they only signed Fitz to a one-year deal, and Geno's contract expires at the end of this season.

    They obviously weren't content to go with Geno as the starter since they're in "win now" mode, and that's why they signed Fitz. They kept Geno because he's cheap, is experienced, has talent and will be a good backup for this season. If there's one thing the NFL should have taught all of us, a team can never have enough QBs. QBs frequently go down with injuries. They were smart. They didn't want to be a possible playoff team whose chances were dashed because they didn't have an experienced backup.

    Petty played very well in preseason, and showed his potential, then he got hurt, and that ended whatever thoughts the Jets may have been entertaining about cutting Geno and rolling with Petty as the backup. I'm sorry if you couldn't see Petty's talent and potential. Many of the rest of us can, and we have listened to Mac and trust his word.
  18. Longsuffering88

    Longsuffering88 Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    Fitz is perfect for this team.

    Win games, teach the kids by example and with words.

    Hold the fort. Keep vets and fans engaged.

    I don't know what other option there was? Not like Montana is available.
  19. Passepartout

    Passepartout Active Member

    Feb 14, 2004
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    Well Ryan F glad he is back. Worried he would not resign. But glad he is back!
  20. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Precisely. Bledsoe was the Pats quarterback; he got hurt, they brought in the backup. His name is Brady. You keep painting yourself deeper into the corner, Goldie.

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