Millie and the rest of us, We have to meet. How about the next home game we meet at halftime at the central entrance? I believe there is a Lucy statue at that entrance?
I can try halftime but my area gets really packed at halftime and you can't move at all. Can we either try before the game by the MetLife central or somewhere else. Where is everyone's seats located?
Your welcome. I wish I was that lucky to do that for you. When I was younger I probably could've done that for you.
This is a great idea but it's next to impossible to even get out of my section at half time. Maybe we can meet before the game?
NO, IT HAS TO BE DURING HALFTIME!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course we can meet anytime we all decide. I just put it out there for a suggestion. I said halftime only because before the game we're all over the place in the different parking lots and halftime we're all inside the stadium.
It's just too far to travel for 250 points. I wish they set up multiple locations, one in Jersey, one in Manhattan, and one in Long Island.
Are you saying the Jets should be fan friendly? If they were they wouldn't give us a 15 minute window for these stupid codes.