nah, your wrong. Don't forget this whole thing is about one thing...entertainment. Don't lose sight of that and make it into something more. When that Dolfag LBer was running his mouth about kicking Rex's ass, Rex laughed and said he'd stepped over tougher guys then Chaning Chowder on the WAY to a fight. Brought the house down. Now THAT's entertainment.
I'm not wrong. Maybe you want your HC to be a comedian and buffoon, but I don't. I want him to be a serious and quality HC. I could give a rat's ass if he's boring and not entertaining.
My record is poor I admit it- sheer gut reactions here After 1 game I Knew Rex was a fraud I hated Edwards I loved Mangini I hated Kotite I loved Parcelks I hated Coslet I loved Carrol I hated Groh I liked michaels I hated Walton And I thought Bowles was a wet rag. Zero, and I mean zero football "it". Zero X and O. Zero fire. Zero teaching. Zero at all. Oh we'll, I'm just a long suffering idiot and I admit it. My coach feelings were clearly wrong.
Thank god we have a good GM. Too bad we have a bad HC. At least we are halfway there. I "like" Bowles the human story. He seems really chill and cool.... But I just don't see it as a HC. Do most Jet fans think Bowles has what it takes? Is he a great schemer? Adjuster? Teacher? Motivator? Play caller? Clock manager? Game planner? I assume yes on some? Maybe? I just can't answer YES to any of it....
Zeros Xs and Os? Hardly. You don't have the success he did with the Cardinals with having no knowledge of Xs and Os, zero teaching or zero football "it." He's not perfect, but no one is. Hopefully, he will improve, but imo it's way too early to be saying he's no good. He was great last year at making in-game adjustments. I don't know why they didn't on Sunday.
From the other thread I really like Bowles but if he's gonna go down this same path I'm gonna fukin lose my shit.
Boring and not entertaining hasn't hurt Belichek one bit. OTOH, PT Barnum aka: Rex Ryan is still the "King of no Rings".
The Rex pressers were like junk food. Everyone likes them and it's delicious but isn't really good for you. You can be boring as hell in front of the media and still be a hard-ass or have personality behind the scenes. BB's the most boring drone ever but he'll cut your ass on the practice field. Bowles on balance comes off as his boring isn't just a public act other than his well-timed meltdown in the locker room after the Houston game that got the team going.
It's too bad games aren't won at the podium. I don't miss "Well I'll tell ya one thing, the Bills are gonna get everything we got" followed by his team walking on the field, getting punched in the mouth and curling up into the fetal position for the rest of the game.
yeah, that part was getting old. Especially Mark's final games...."Mark gives us the best chance to win....". That part was definitely getting old. Too bad we couldn't have a fun HC like Rex with the coaching chops of Billy Boy.
This is ridiculous. The Jets lost a close game against a very good team. It sucks, I know, but the hate for Bowles is a total overreaction at this point. Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk