It wont be long before saluting the flag and stuff is obsolete... My sister in law is a teacher in Colorado and she told me they don't even stand and give the pledge anymore before school. School policy. They just take a couple minutes before school and kids are allowed to quietly say the pledge to themselves if they want or they can quietly think about the coed sitting next to them instead.
Go live in a low income area and come back and tell me whether it's the police you are concerned about, or whether you hope they can get to you quick enough when you need them.
what a direspectful a-hole. Hope he gets pushed out of the league for this. He should try North Korea if he thinks this country is so bad So many entitled coddled kids have grown up recently not knowing how good they have it because of all the sacrifices everyone before them made so that a guy like Kaepernick can make millions of dollars playing a game. They have NO CLUE what's the real world is like
There is evening things out and then there is what we have today. Working hard doesn't factor in anymore.
It's his right to a peaceful protest no matter how stupid it is its what makes this country great. The flag stands for the freedom that is this country and the people who have fought for it not the current mismanagement of police brutality
Kida today can't multitask. We used to be able to stand up, recite the pledge and think about the coed next to us. As for kaep, don't care, his 15 minutes are about up anyway
Whatever anyone's opinion is on affirmative action / opportunities / injustices for various reasons, blaming the country (United States) for the problems is the biggest dumbshit brain-dead idea you can imagine. Yes, he has the right to publicly act like a traitor, but NFL owners also have the right not to have a piece of shit like him representing their organization.
Holy fuck. All of those things are insanely worse than sitting during the national anthem. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
Would Kaepernick be a piece of shit if the US Veterans supported his cause? Just wondering what your answer would be
We teach for conceptual understanding to build a stronger foundation for higher level thinking unlike the old school way of teaching a short cut algorithm to come up with an answer that the student does not have a clue how or why they got it. Which is the main reason that so many have math anxiety and claimed "I am not good in math". Research supports that conceptual understanding at the lower levels of math is the key to success later on.
I consider opportunity as the ability to get something by doing a certain thing. If you have to do more things than someone else did to get the same thing he got, you don't have the same opportunity.
I always thought of troubleshooting an issue as understanding the meaning of a problem and looking for starting points to its solution. This whole common core math thing seems so much more vague, with unclear logic at times. Don't teachers use shortcuts? I mean it seems like it makes math more fun. I wasn't great at math either, but there are several ways of learning and those ways of learning may not have been applied to that student. I agree with your last sentence btw. I am assuming you are a teacher?