Good for you. Wifey was going to put the kibosh on all your fun sooner or later. This is for the best, I think we can all see that. Brook, you're ok. I used to not think so, but I've come around. Just to prove there are no hard feelings, if you are ever up this way, I will pull all of your boys crooked, third-world teeth free of charge. You just stop at the home depot on the way over and pick up a pair of vice grips. Needle nosed work best.
Took the day off and bought 3 6 packs of Founders Porter. Great Porter if you've never tried it, probably the best I've tried and I've tried a lot. I also (finally) picked up the game Overwatch so I'll be drinking and gaming all day. I'm waiting till at least 12 to get started so I don't feel guilty. Life is good.
I'm feeling the buzz. I don't know how I'm going to make it to the Sunday Night game but I must have had at least 10 or so beers now and it's only 4:30. Been drinking a mix of Shipyard Island Time IPA, Guinness Lagers(wtf?), and Heinekens. Basically, I usually get a ton of whatever's on sale for fridge beer and save the micro breweries for special occasions. Just going to keep going and if I fall asleep during Sunday Night so be it, game is going to suck anyway.
Woke @ 7am..Tailgated 4 hrs... smokin, drinkin... Game @ the stadium ..fuk man ..all that energy I put out. Then, Went to work @ the club.....girl brought Jamesons (which I don't drink)...oh my lawd!! Almost 19 hrs of shenanigans... Wrekt. I had to just stop at around 12 to make sure I don't sleep at the wheel...driving tired I will never do. Didn't have to pull over but holy fuk I'm spent.
This has been my Sunday ritual for over 7 years now... only thru NFL season of course... and I used to work Sat nights too..dafuq was I thinking? lmao..
In about 9 hours I'm going to be looking at 22 year old Latinas with the most amazing fuking bodies and the cherry on top is that My JETS won... Salud mutherfukers!! oh yeah...Stalles and Jager...shmacked...g'night!