Rio Olympics

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by Yisman, Jul 14, 2016.

  1. Satan

    Satan Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2005
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    The 3 guys left will cop a fine and do a live apology on air , wear casual clothes, sponsors wont want them to wear us gear . None will appear on cereal boxes
  2. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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  3. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    And now there's video of these guys vandalizing a gas station. Time to grow up, boys.
  4. Satan

    Satan Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2005
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    why there no I in Team
  5. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    There is no I in U.S.A., got the message uploader did not make available in U.S..
    #145 The Waterboy, Aug 19, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2016
  6. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Lochte is a bitch and I'm not going to defend his actions but his teammates got the F out the country last night too. He owes them an apology because he put them in a hell of a spot.

    As far as the country of Brazil? eh.. fuck it he can issue a statement of apology to the police if he wants but he doesn't owe the country anything. Also, Brazil is notorious for never working with other countries when their citizens commit a crime abroad. A Brazilian citizen could commit murder somewhere else and all he's got to do is make it back to Brazil before he's caught and they'll protect him. In that case if Brazil tries to push false charges crimes on him and ask the U.S. authorities to help, the U.S. authorities should tell them to kick rocks...
    JetsVilma28 likes this.
  7. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    as if that hair dye job didn't make him look like enough of a douche.......
    Ralebird likes this.
  8. Satan

    Satan Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2005
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    didnt realize sorry
  9. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    that has nothing to do with his silliness. He needs to apologize. Brazil was already taking shit from everyone with the quality of the water and the Zika virus drama before and during the games. Now you got some rich boy from America saying he was robbed by a bunch of imaginary thugs just continued to hurt their image. He started shit and blamed it on others. He needs to apologize to them and to America. If not everyone will continue to scream that white privilege really is a thing.
  10. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    No problem, was it a story about the basketball facility the team helped build for the Aboriginal community in Mutitjulu. I found a story but no videos.
  11. Satan

    Satan Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2005
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    Yep and a team bonding experience
  12. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    you start your post with "that has nothing to do with his silliness"... and then immediately go on about how Brazil has issues. WTF does that have to do with Ryan Lochte? Now he's got to apologize to them because people might think Brazil is a shit pile for countless reasons he had nothing to do with? I'm not sure why you are even referencing 'white privilege' ???? that's a head scratcher for sure. How does one apologize to an entire country anyway?
    JetsVilma28 likes this.
  13. Kingfish

    Kingfish Active Member

    Sep 20, 2010
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    ESPN is reporting that Ryan Lochte has issued an apology for his behavior.
    I agree that Lochte should have apologized for his stupid, disrespectful conduct.

    However, Lochte and his pal's behavior was typical of the conduct and attitude of the spoiled, pampered College and Professional athletes in the USA.
    mute likes this.
  14. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    If he apologizes is anyone going to believe him? I mean unless he says he is sorry his lie didn't work what can he say thats going to be believable?
    Never understood the need for a fake apology.fuck him, he can be a punch line for a few months and fade away to oblivion, i don't need to hear another lie before it happens
    JetsVilma28 likes this.
  15. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Well looks like they have a good chance of meeting the U.S. in the finals so the team bonding might have helped some. They were about a 250 to1 long shot to win the gold at the start of the tournament?
  16. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Yeah, at 32 years old I doubt the apology is going to get him any possible endorsements back and he probably done with competing so he might as well go all in with his tweet.
    Something to the effect, "Brazil is a shit hole anyway so the only way to endure it was to get drunk. I don't see why they got so mad about me pissing on the wall when the entire area is a cesspool."
    And you are right, does anyone ever believe those fake apologies anyway?
  17. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Because some people gave Lochte a pass for what he did and some people gave Gabby Douglas a hard time about not putting her hand on her heart, it is proof of white privilege according to the Huff Post.
    It doesn't matter that the vast majority did not give him a pass, nor that the vast majority did not give Gabby Douglas a hard time, white privilege none the less.
    mute likes this.
  18. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    after this post im done talking about Lochte. Its obvious after his F up hes done. His "boys" should drop him like a stone in water after this event. Onto more track and field and USA Men's basketball.

    Lochte: The dumbest bell that ever rang

    RIO DE JANEIRO — Ryan Lochte is the dumbest bell that ever rang. The 32-year-old swimmer is so landlocked in juvenility that he pulled an all-nighter with guys young enough to call him uncle. His story to NBC’s Billy “what-are-you-wearing” Bush had the quality of a kid exaggerating the size of a fish, and notice how he was the hero of every detail. That was always the most dubious, implausible part.

    There is a special category of obnoxious American “bro” that Lochte represents, in his T-shirt and jeans and expensive suede footwear, which he showed off on social media that night at the party along with the price tag. “We’re 6k deep here,” he captioned it. Is there anything worse, in any country, than a bunch of entitled young drunks who break the furniture and pee on a wall? There is no translator needed for that one, no cultural norm that excuses it. If I had been working at that Brazilian gas station, I might have pulled a gun on them, too.

    Jack Conger is 21. Gunnar Bentz is 20. James Feigen is 26. What a leader of young men Lochte is. You can see the bathroom door appear to burst out of its wooden frame on the security video, presumably when one of those oafs couldn’t open it and decided to kick it.

    Look, having a gun drawn on you in the small hours was no doubt unnerving and an overreaction by the security guard. It’s even remotely possible that Lochte really did interpret the demand for cash as a “robbery” of sorts. But to do so, he had to be so impervious to his own odious punk behavior — and his view of that gas station had to be so low — that he didn’t think the vandalizing was worth anything. He must have thought Ryan Lochte’s pee was gold dust.

    Inherent in all of Lochte’s statements in this controversy is a lack of respect. You suspect that is what drew such ire from Brazilian authorities, who made a massive public display out of jerking Conger and Bentz off a plane and detaining them for questioning and recommended charges against Lochte and Feigen. Lochte has played a trivial, frivolous game with the issue of Brazilian police ineffectualness and corruption. Two things are going on here: Lochte’s self-promoting prevarications and the sensitivity of Rio authorities, who have been portrayed as incapable of keeping athletes safe amid other Olympic breakdowns.

    [How Ryan Lochte’s robbery story went from unbelievable to simply not believable]

    There have been a lot of genuine robberies of Olympic athletes and officials. A New Zealand athlete was kidnapped by fake police and driven to ATMs. Two Australian coaches were robbed at knifepoint on Ipanema Beach. After one of their athletes was robbed Tuesday morning, British track and field officials warned athletes that it is not worth the risk of going out, “given the current climate in Rio.”

    The police need to show that fears are overstated and these Games are secure — though they are not, particularly — and the stupid Americans offered them something with which to save face. Fernando Veloso, the Civil Police chief, said that Lochte had “stained” the city by inventing a crime that didn’t happen.

    Lochte’s conceit intersected with a delicate political issue, and it made a perfect storm. His claim to NBC that men posing as police pulled over the taxi and he heroically resisted the robbers with a gun pressed to his forehead was an especially ludicrous detail — and the very thing that drew the attention of authorities, who know full well that anyone who defies a bandit in Rio gets shot on the spot, and they don’t leave you with your cellphone.

    In his shifting public accounts, Lochte never mentioned that busted-up bathroom. Now put yourself in the shoes of the overrun and pride-stung local police when they saw that video of the Americans returning to the Athletes’ Village a little after 6 a.m. so cheerfully buzzed, with Lochte blithely twirling his credential on a chain and all of them still in possession of their cellphones and watches.

    Equal to his disrespect of the gas station owner and the police is Lochte’s disrespect to his fellow swimmers. First he portrayed his U.S. teammates as dropping to the ground while “I refused,” as if he alone had the temerity to remain standing. Yeah, right. This is a guy who apparently lied to his own mother. Then he flew home, leaving the younger swimmers to deal with the fallout. And when back in the United States, he made moronic postings on social media, deaf to the tension they were undergoing while detained in Rio, their passports seized.

    The main quality Lochte has shown in all of this, apart from asininity, is obliviousness. First he tweeted about his hair, which he had dyed a silvery-white before the Games. Then on Thursday morning, even as Conger and Bentz were in a police station and authorities were mulling potential charges, he posted an idiotic video of himself. It was a distortion-lensed, cartoonish video of him babbling at his friend and fellow American swimmer Elizabeth Beisel. Lochte eventually deleted it. Which was too bad because it was a perfect portrait of a halfwit.

    Lochte’s done as a public figure, of course. Which is probably the most effective form of justice for someone who apparently so craves attention. Oblivion is what he deserves.
    RuJFan likes this.
  19. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    I will say I really like Gabby Douglas but there was a little too much crying about 4 or 5 people on the internet. If you brush that stuff off it's not a big deal but if you make a spectacle out of it it becomes one. Lochte, however, is a punching bag for years to come no matter what haha
  20. Red Menace

    Red Menace Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    The interesting thing about Gabby Douglas, she was the one doing it correctly.

    There is specific criteria for when your hand is supposed to be placed over the heart, it's not during the national anthem.

    All the idiots giving her a hard time show how ilinformed they are.

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