So i caught em all...At least the ones available in North America. (I'm level 25) -Poeman, Pokemon Master
Lol, my wife would agree that I am nuts. I told her last night it's done, I am not coming home late anymore. I got em all! She got mad and went back to sleep.
Could you post the rest of the pokedex list? Amazing man, how did you accomplish it? Any tips? Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
I will when i get a chance dude to post the rest of the screenshots, will try tonight. Tips...if you are in nyc, go to 59th and 5th often there is a strip and quad of lures always active 24/7. The lures do bring occassional super rare. Go to parks, water side to get magikarps and dratini's. And for rares if you run into a problem try to see if they have certain nests in your neighborhood. Search on reddit and certain sites that show where they populate often. These tips will work even if you are not based in NYC. The game becomes more active in areas with high cellular data. So more people playing in a certain area is good. Now if you are in a rural area and away from pokestops and gyms...Drop incense, it attracts rares and more uncommon pokemon. This was tested to work on reddit by folks. Lastly...if hanging around locations is not a option for you...THE #1 TIP is to hatch those eggs. They are the best ones to evolve because of strong IV and the more 2k and 5k you hatch the more of a chance you get to get a 10k and hatch a 2200cp Snorlax or Lapras. Hope this helps. Im out right now so just rambling the most important things I noticed
Haha yes I knew abyz would drop by with a clutch post. Love marriage my man. Been with her 8 years, met her when she was in college. Im 29 and she is 26. We in this for the long haul. She is a latina, they aren't all about that arranged marriage stuff buddy.
Thanks a bunch. Yeah I try to go to popular areas with a lot of stops, but with work I don't get many chances to do such. Eggs are my thing. It's the only thing I've spent money on in the game besides a larger item bag. I've hatched 2 10s, but only got Dratini, & Eevee. After I got my Eevee, 10 minutes later my friend hatched a 1700 Snorlax. Go figure. Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
I had to google what this meant. Apparently its mexican-american saying. She isn't Mexican man haha Peruvian, Dominican, and small bit of Irish already know what to do. I will post this once Im at a computer but it says Ive walked 253km
That whole concept of not having a car is so foreign to me as somebody not in the city. Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
Not sure what that's from, but that girl is smokin. Also, that kid being there? Haha must have been a weird thing for him.
"That girl" is Rosie Perez, or was in 1989. Mookie is Spike Lee before he turned into a permanently pissed off jackass. Were you ten when you started posting here?