What a coincidence, Revcom was in Milwaukee, stirring up shit again. "Flynn cast blame on some Chicago-based activists representing the Revolutionary Communist Party, who apparently organized young people to take to the streets and march on the then-barricaded District 7 police station, which received a number of threats." http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/...-police-shooting-protests-20160814-story.html
Do you live in some kinda alternative universe or something? Let's say I wanted to go rioting for whatever reason. If I get arrested as a result, my chances of getting another job similar to what I have now will become close to zero. So, now before going to riot, I'd ask myself a question... do I want to riot for whatever cause it is or do I want to continue providing for my family? I don't know about you but for me the choice there is pretty clear.
Yeah, really. Why would anyone have a problem with far-reaching claims like this being substantiated? Do you simply believe whatever you read on the internet as long as it is sympathetic to your own viewpoint?
I see it and it looks like RevCom may have had some involvement if the police chief's statement of what "apparently" happened is factual but I don't find any indication that it is "well-funded" or that it is part of any well organized or certainly well-regarded left wing plot. Looks like a bunch of mopes out looking for something to do on a hot summer night.
It goes back to the 60s. It's no secret. George soros himself would probably answer in email from you admitting to the millions he spends on shit like this. Far reaching? Good fucking lord. Want to talk a bout far reaching .... Rioting and beating random white people after a black cop shoots an armed black criminal ... And then continuing to loot and riot even after you find out the facts. But you could easily research yourself who funds civil unrest groups .
Why not just start with the monetary contributions from jz , soros, Google,ford foundation ,democracy alliance,freedom road socialist organization, and start there
Why not just provide a source for your funding claims? That's what I was asking for to begin with and found nothing linking RevCom to any individuals or groups you mention or anyone else for that matter.. If you have, why keep it a secret?
What secret? I work all day and post from a phone when I can. I can't post links until I'm home. I gave you some names, look them up yourself.
So I responded to a post Petrozza made asking him for more info and you decided to jump in multiple times and offer...nothing! Thanks for playing.