Hahhaha that sucks man. I had this stuff way back when. In those days it was Busch Light vs Natty Lite vs PBR lol. I'm the designated driver tonight so I got some Clausthaler Premium. It's actually not too bad for a non alcoholic beer. I don't even sneak in just 1 anymore. Last time got pulled over with a car full of drunks and they took me in to breathe into the fucking thing and I blew a .01. They didn't even say fucking sorry or anything.
Tonight...I'm getting fukin Plastered!! I've been at 10+ for the last 24 hrs because of an idiot at work... time to unwind the way my mom did back in the day! Beer and whatever the shelf is holding! 6 Stellas deep and a 7th being opened as I type...
I had to go back 3 pages to find this thread duck you guys Anyway it's a whiskey night. Friday, whiskey, it's warm. That's good stuff. We are lucky to be alive in 2016
We used to do an Annual GTG. Just Dinner and Drinkin in NYC. I would set something up if anyone is interested. ftr, The 1st annual was fuking legendary. lol...
Sam's Octoberfest. I had a shitload. I got only 2 modes when it comes to drinking. I either have none or all of it.I So I bought a case of 28 at BJ's and I'm at 10 right now and I think I can easily get to 20 before the night is over.
Haha. I love wine too but with specific food. I can't just drink it by itself if that makes any sense. I go with pinot noir or rose but merlot works too.
2pm and I'm well on my way. Went to Chipotle for lunch and had 2 beers there. They have a 2 drink maximum so I had 2 there then drove home and walked to the sports bar. I made sure to order a philly cheese steak so they'd serve me what I want. Pounded 6 tall Sams Lagers and walked back home. I have a couple cases of my favorite summer beer Modelo Especial so I'm going to get started with that and play video games. When's the next AA meeting?
Chipotle, Sam Adams and Modelo. You're going to need someone to hold your hair back while you puke tonight.