That's not how I look at it. I see Trump and Clinton as fucking terrible options who will likely be bad for the country and Johnson as not a great option.
Gary Johnson winning this election would be huge, but not so much because of Gary Johnson. It would be the beginning of the end for the two-party system. It would be interesting to see how a third-party would interact with partisan congress. In terms of issues, Gary Johnson most closely matches my views. I am pro-gun, pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP, anti-intervention, pro-weed, and anti-crony capitalism. I am meh about abolishing income tax in favor of a consumption tax. I disagree about open borders. I only want fully vetted immigrants who go through proper channels to enter this country. Like it or not, Gary Johnson is our best option right now.
Not gonna happen and is a wasted vote. Thread is also about Trump, stay on topic. Sent from my BLU LIFE ONE X using Tapatalk
I can think of the evils of a Clinton or a Trump but while Johnson may not be an FDR type and I may not agree with all of his policies, I fail to see the evil there. Maybe you can enlighten us.
How is a vote for Clinton or Trump NOT a wasted vote? One is a corrupt to the core liar who is in it for their own personal gain, the other is an insane liar without a principled bone in his body. Don't blame the people voting for the honest & sane candidate if either of the liars who have no business in the white house win.
The Clinton or Trump vote is truly the wasted vote. I can see 4 years of nothing getting accomplished, except personal gain, if either gets elected.
What I mean is he doesn't have a chance of winning. His numbers might grow a little but it's safe to say no one gives a shit about him with just 2 or so months to go including the media. Trump and Hillary have a chance. Voting for him will help Trump win. If I want to knock out Trump I'm voting for Hillary. Sent from my BLU LIFE ONE X using Tapatalk
Trump absolutely can win, it's in Hillary's best interest to address the concerns of his broader base (fair trade, immigration enforcement, anti-PC sentiment, middle class wage growth, etc...)
Something seems inherently wrong when you are voting to keep someone out vs voting along your ideology/beliefs.
Voting for Trump is a wasted vote. I tried to like him. I tried to see past his 4th grade speaking level. I tried to look past his big mouth. I tried to look past his one issue campaign. You're going to build a wall, and make Mexico pay for it? Ok, drunk uncle.
Building the wall can be done, and probably for less than a c0uple B-2 stealth Bombers (it would create a lot of jobs too, and you can bet most of the workers would be legal residents). The bigger trick is getting Mexico to pay for it, which he would need to get creative with. He would probably get them to pay for a part of it and call victory on it
Did you see how Trump wants Mexico to pay for the wall? Hint, it's along the lines of contacting Bill Gates to shut down the internet. He is absolutely clueless.
Like I said, he wouldn't get close to the full bill taken care of but I think he could swing them paying a part of it. He would threaten some sort of trade penalty if they didn't. It's mostly theater but I don't see why it's so unreasonable to put up a fence/wall along the southern border with so much drug & human trafficking going on
They aren't going to pay for shit, and I wouldn't expect them to. It's not their responsibility to stop their citizens from coming into this country. Do your neighbors pay for your fence and security system? Even if they build a wall, you have to pay people to guard it. It's really easy to climb over or under an unguarded wall. The kind of impenetrable wall that they need to build will cost trillions, not billions, and even then, they will get around it.
I would guess that most illegals are ones that come here on a temp visa, and just stay. Either way, if someone wants to get here bad enough, they will find a way. Wall or no wall.