Well, by that measure, I don't believe Trump really wants some gun nut to assassinate Hillary or a Supreme Court Justice. He knows that the more he says provocative things, the more he stays in the news, which is the only thing he really wants.
It's fucking stupid. It's not even what he meant . We have disect everything trump says to take the heat off everything Hillary does .
I don't like Trump and nothing sticks to him no matter what he says or does. You like Trump and he can do no wrong compared to Hillary. It doesn't necessarily mean I have no idea what I'm talking about either as I'm not the only one that read into what Trump said. You have your opinion and I have mine. Besides that, how many millions of taxpayer dollars have been wasted hunting Clintons over the decades? To me, he's the new "Teflon Don". I mean, he all but said it himself... "I could shoot someone and still not lose votes.."
maybe if Trump spoke just a bit clearer and wasn't so flippant about this entire election, perhaps he wouldn't have to hire an army of apologists to explain every gaffe he makes. #KeepTrumpTalking
Oh you know it's coming. He won't congratulate Hillary. He'll instead say it's rigged. Then he's going to gather a bunch of imaginary men to investigate for him. These same men were involved in finding odd things about Obama's birth certificate back in Hawaii in 2011 lol. Sent from my BLU LIFE ONE X using Tapatalk
When trump loses he will say the election was rigged; bitch and moan that he was cheated by a rigged system. It may all be an act in the end. It's very unclear how legitimate his campaign/camp actually wants to win. It's obvious he is not a politician or 'political' at all. If Hillary was to lose her circuits would malfunction . Her head would start spinning like the girl in the exorcist. She gives me nightmares. That lady is scary.
Trump just campaign-suicided by picking Mike Pence as his vice. The dude still doesn't accept evolution, and believes Intelligent Design needs to be taught in school as an alternative, despite ZERO evidence. That's all I really need to know. That is just as bad as the Mccain pick of Sarah Palin. Don't they realize that America is sick of fundamentalists? Trump has been running a troll campaign from the beginning. It's clear to me, he never intended on winning, he's probably just looking to hype himself for his next reality show.
I don't know about that anymore. If he didn't want to win why waste time correcting all the controversial comments. Why not just ignore and let the media continue to bury you? Also why waste millions and why put your brand and businesses in jeopardy like this? Before the election people thought Trump was a god. Now everyone is seeing he's an overrated self-centered idiot. I think he's playing to win not lose. He said so much and done so much losing will be the end of him. Sent from my BLU LIFE ONE X using Tapatalk
I agree with that. In the traditional sense of potus I would say his mouth should disqualify him. But what is traditional for potus... To smooth talk us and then open the check book to isis,start a bs war in Iraq? In not even a trump fan, I think they both suck. But I just find it strange that we are more concerned with what trump says than what others actually do. Hillary is about as full of shit as they come .
Breaking news : Man climbing Trump towers. Lol http://abc7ny.com/politics/watch-live-man-climbing-trump-tower;-police-on-the-scene/1464590/ Sent from my BLU LIFE ONE X using Tapatalk