Insinuating that a group of people may have a " solution" to her appointing judges doesn't fall anywhere near "knowingly and willfully" making a threat. What he said just doesn't apply to the above no matter how much you wish it did.
We all heard what we heard. Trump was right though about one thing. He could shoot someone in the middle of Macy's window and get a medal for it. Doesn't matter what he says or does as there will always be an explanation. He's the new "Teflon Don"..
We'll have to see if Comey thinks he intended to break the law. With any luck they'll go ahead and charge both candidates with something and we can get a redo.
Its almost a race to the bottom isn't it... Like I said, a choice between a train wreck and a plane crash.. All the decent candidates sat this POTUS cycle out.
Libertarians are always saying you lose if you vote for the lesser of 2 evils but where is this Libertarian candidate? Just give me someone decent that's all I'm asking for. I'm really itching to vote for someone other than Clinton or Trump and if you can't give me someone this election when will you ever give me someone to vote for?
Gary Johnson is on the ballot on all 50 states. He's not a great candidate but still better than both the main ones IMO. He also is the only candidate with executive government experience.
Changes nothing, first off as much as I can't stand Hillary I have seen no evidence that she wants to "abolish" or essentially abolish" the 2nd amendment. We've had the gun nuts crying that Obama was going to take away their guns and we've had multiple mass shootings take place under Obama and last I checked you are free to walk into Bass Pro Shop and purchase a handgun, a rifle and ammunition so there's no evidence to support it's going to happen under Hillary. Since you seem to suggest that he is suggesting otherwise what was he referring to?
Really? You have no idea who the Libertarian Candidate is? He was just o CNN last week doing a town hall, he's all over social media. Johnson is an interesting guy , a self made millionaire (no daddy getting him deferments from Vietnam or handing him millions of dollars and a CEO position right out of college) , he's a 2 term Republican governor in a very blue state and while some of his ideas are not mainstream he is leaps and bounds ahead of Clinton and Trump
I mean I heard his name here and there but don't know much about him. I'll probably end up voting for him though haha
Hillary Clinton is on the record saying the supreme court got DC vs. Heller wrong. She is also on record saying we should seriously consider doing what Australia did with guns. People keep saying she doesn't want to get rid of the second amendment but it sounds a lot like she does if you believe what she says. She'd love nothing more than to stack the supreme court in a way that allowed her to change guns laws very significantly. Of course Trump being trump says it like he does. He is pandering to the 2A people to vote for him. Just like Hillary panders to blacks, hispanics and muslims. The difference is Hillary is a skilled politician and Trump is a dipshit. I don't know if you've noticed but Trump doesn't exactly have great command of the English language.
I don't believe Hillary, I just think she is lying to get stupid people who are anti gun to vote for her just like she is lying to stupid Sanders supporters who believe she is actually going to go after Wall Street and eliminate student loan debt. She doesn't tell the truth on anything, I wouldn't be surprised if her real name isn't Henrietta and she changed it to Hillary because it sounded cool or something. I think Trump knew exactly what he was saying, the way he worded it was very clear in that after Hillary was elected the only people who could stop her from taking their guns away were the 2A people. If it was about people stopping her before she was elected by voting he would have used present conditional like we have to stop and only your votes can stop her. I disagree, he is a very smart man who is very subliminal in the way he says things, he might be loud, obnoxious and callous but he is very calculated in what he says. He knows he can fire up the lunatic fringe by saying things that appeal to their paranoia and fears.
No. The idea of Teflon Don is that criminal charges don't stick. No matter how much you don't like what he says, they don't venture into the realm of actual criminality. But let's compare that to Hillary, who the head of the FBI rambled on about for twenty minutes all of the actual criminal things she did and then announced that they wouldn't prosecute her for them. You don't have to like Trump, but when you make an argument against him that actually applies to the candidate you support, it just doesn't seem you have a firm understanding of what you are actually angry about. Because if you are truly angry about not getting punished for criminal behavior, that applies more to Hillary than Trump.
Forget everything else he's done during this campaign... The joke's over when you start suggesting using nuclear weapons. I hope he falls off the face of the planet.
And that would be a Strawman. So which side is committing the logical fallacies to condemn the other. It's not a linguistic and legal rationalization in his defense when the side criticizing him doesn't understand the laws they are accusing him of breaking. My God, it takes a tremendous amount of ignorance or dishonesty to make that statement, and a greater amount to agree with it.