Unfortunately there are hysterical ass clowns out there who are prone to violence. And it's on Trump as a public figure to know that and think before he opens his mouth. So even if he didn't mean anything violent, he still went too far.
Paul Ryan's victory speech made him sound almost like the grown up in the GOP. He should have run against Trump. Now he won't even mention Trump's name out loud.
Trump is s buffoon but doesn't have support from either side and won't get anything passed. That's far less dangerous than Clinton who has the relationships to fuck this country with more bad policies. I'd rather have Trump talking about a wall he will never build than Hillary passing Obamacare deuce.
no it's not nonsense. it's more irresponsibility from Trump, another big reason (among many) as to why this clown should never be anywhere near the presidential office.
"If she gets to pick her judges, there's nothing you can do folks... Although the Second Amandmrnt people maybe there is I don't know" The English language indicates that the tense he was using was conditional future, meaning AFTER Hillary won and she got to pick her judges... "Second Amndment people" could "do something about it". It was very clear what he was saying, it's not about "the left twisting anything" it's about a sociopath running his yap to draw votes from some very gullible people. And before you accuse me of being some tree hugging Hillary loving Prius driving liberal I am a libertarian and have been for some time.
Trump commits borderline treason by suggesting that the Russians hack our government to obtain Clinton's emails and then claims it was a "joke." Now he suggests that assassinating Clinton and/or any Supreme Court Justice she nominates??? This is a supposedly a joke too? And some of you claim Clinton belongs in jail? Trump should be put away for treason/sedition. It is beyond comprehension at this point. The real issue is that he has no business being a presidential candidate. He is a very dangerous man and clearly unfit for the office. The "reboot" lasted two days and then he spews off with these outrageous statements and opinion. Electing him would be an absolute disaster for the USA and the Constitution. If the the members of Republican Party had any true love of country, they would renounce him and urge voters to vote for somebody else. He is nothing but an ignorant, bigoted, egotistical, maniacal, megalomaniacal, psychopath who cares only for himself and nobody else. Period.
Soooo this has to be it for Trump, right? The tweet here, though very vague, is referring to the comments by him yesterday. Sent from my BLU LIFE ONE X using Tapatalk
Like I said a while ago, all Hillary has to do is keep Trump talking and she'll win in a landslide. I wouldn't even debate him since that would only result in more garbage than content. I'm not so sure having a building full of Trump and Hillary supporters under the same roof is a good idea anyway. It would simply turn into shouting matches and most likely fistfights unless there's a "Trump's Wall" seperating them. Just keep Trump talking since the more he talks, the more he has to explain and the more GOP voters he turns against him. The man simply loves the sound of his own voice too much to reign himself in soooo, use his ego against him.
Well, since its Hillary Clinton, anything goes including vague suggestions of assassination. The Clinton Hate is strong in that one...
In case anyone was wondering what law Trump may or may not have violated: Don't worry Trumpers, The New Teflon Don won't feel any repercussions. Apparently he is above the law.