Tomorrow he's going to say he was joking and that he meant they should instead go out and vote.. Sent from my BLU LIFE ONE X using Tapatalk
If she's picking the judges that means she has already won. I don't care how they try to spin it, it was quite clear what he meant.
The second amendment protects every squirrel eating gun nut's right to express his understanding of his Constitutional rights in his own way. I know this from reading this forum. I don't understand why this is controversial at all. Freedom isn't free, after all.
I think it is quite clear what YOU think he meant. I read that line and that thought never even entered my mind. Amazing how the left twists everything.
Thought bubbles over their heads : Hilary: you fucked another intern Bill: she knows i fucked another intern
Out of curiosity, what did you think he meant? You do realize every time that idiot opens his mouth and then has to explain "what he meant", it simply drives more voters away from his campaign except the hardcore, gun loving, muslim hating conspiracy nutjobs that still think Obama is a muslim. They won't vote for Hillary, but they weren't going to do that anyway so its a net loss for the Trump campaign. Either he's doing this just to stay in the headlines (PT Barnum says hi) OR the man just can't help himself and is pre-programmed to say things that normal people on both sides of the isle find repugnant. Helluva way to convince the GOP he's worth supporting. Could be why a lot of GOP politicians consider Trump too toxic even to mention his name let alone publicly support him.
It doesn't matter what you think. Trump is a presidential candidate. As a presidential candidate you don't say anything that anyone might interpret as a death threat.
That's not what he was doing at all. Only hysterical ass clowns actually believe that nonsense. Exactly the type of shit that has helped Trump become popular imo
Checkmate......DT has given the media and liberal hacks way too many opportunities to attack him, spin his no thought responses, and distract from their own hot mess, the hildabeast. No doubt many things DT says are nasty, uncalled for, and at times not true. He has wasted a golden opportunity because the nation is primed for soemone to come in and unwind the last decade of stench, pull things together, tighten the purse, and show some fair, but tough love. Shame on him and his crowd. Unfortunately, the beast will be appointed so get ready for more taxes, regulations, debt, and tension amongst all citizens.