Almost made it thru the day without hearing a single mention of Donald Trump. Got all the way to 2pm before it somehow came across the truck radio! I gotta hand it to him. Trump is a media master troll that dominates for better or worse, every news cycle day or night. All he has to do is say something and the MSM falls all over themselves trying to make news of it. Who needs campaign money when you can get so much free publicity. There was another PT Barnum saying that goes like this: "I don’t care what you write about me, just spell my name right!" Real American Genius..!
That's what I said right after he started it all with that thing about Mexicans. Now NYT writes a story about him removing a crying baby from one of his rallies. The baby's parents are morons, end of story. Yet arguably the most respectable US newspaper writes a whole article about it
Ok.. Once again I'm determined to get thru an entire day (24hrs) without hearing one mention of the name Trump on TV or the radio. Wish me luck! Edit: Couldn't resist this gem.. Looks like Atlantic City is taking another hit...
Even better. Just Wow True or fake? Either way very bad..
This weeks MSM meme. It's like these assclowns get together on a conference call and decide what made up asinine story they can collectively run on Trump.
Which is just fine with Team Hillary and a repeat of the DWS-DNC debate strategy to keep the front running Hillary under wraps, i.e. the less the spotlight's on Hillary the better. As for the "who needs campaign money?" part, not sure Cman if the PT Barnum analogy works here. With Barnum, curious people figure they had nothing at stake so they'd happily pay to see the train wreck/freak show - but voting for president's another thing altogether to them. And now that Trump's shot himself in the foot a lot lately, the MSM is now going "dog pile on the rabbit" full-bore. Question is, does Trump really want the job or is he now tanking with the in-party/Kahn trolling?
Dontcha just know he's gonna go off script and say something completely unrelated and totally assinine..
I guess it comes down to... who would you like to do shots of Jack with..Mark Cuban or Donald J. Trump... Me? I'd hang with Cuban in a NY minute.
Trump doesn't drink. So thats an easy win for Cuban. Maybe that's why his vodka sucked and failed. No taste test from the head honcho