Back in the day I spent many a nights over at kleckos in RVC and would run into the man from time to time. Just a regular guy but he didn't like when fans would curse out Walton or even Michaels. Though I do remember him saying he liked Obrien but couldn't believe we passed over Marino. I tried to get him to agree that it as waltons fault but he wouldn't bite. he was/is smarter than one might assume.
Also if he didn't get hurt in 82 we likely would not have played in Miami and may have had home field or a different opponent.
Exactly. He was loyal and didn't like the nerds in the media taking cheap shots. He was at odds with them and I think that hurt him too. It's a good thing Serby was picking on Todd and not Joe. Joe would've packed Serby into a bag and then put him in a locker
I totally agree that he should be in the HOF. Namath, Maynard, Walker and Klecko are my 4 favorite Jets, and Klecko is #2 on most days behind Joe Willie. I think the reason he's not in the HOF is the jail time he served following his career for fraud (I think). Hopefully, he'll still get in, but I think that's what's hurting him. I can't imagine anything else, unless it's just anti-Jets bias.
I can't imagine that has anything to do with it. Marvin Harrison was/has been a suspect in multiple Philadelphia murders and the Hall of Fame welcomed him with open arms.
Absolutely agree. When I saw Kevin Greene & Orlando Pace, I thought to myself, Klecko had better careers than them.
Everybody knows and has known for years that Klecko should be in HOF..he obviously pissed off a whole lot of people along the way.
I know. I couldn't believe effing Parcells passed not only on Pace, but also on Walter Jones...2 HOF LTs.
Didn't pace go #1 overall? What about Jonathon Ogden in 96? We passed on him with throw me the damn ball.
I recall trading down and picking Farrior, and not being upset because , after all, Pace was a tackle and those guys never lead a team to a SB, and Parcells knows what he's doing, right? Fast forward to 1999... Farrior struggling...Pace's team in the Super Bowl, with more to come, due in no small part, to him. And to top it off...Farrior bolts and becomes a top flight ILB with the Steelers Nice shopping, Bill.
My favorite all time Jets personality. A former qoute about Don Mattingly applies to Joe. "100% ballplayer. 0% BS."
I remember Farrior being much better in his last year with the Jets, not a star by any means but serviceable. Really hurt to see him have the success he had with the Steelers. Parcells had Peyton Manning if only he guaranteed he would draft him. Instead he went back to school and the rest is history.
Sacks as a statistic was not officially counted until 1982. There are 5 years worth with Klecko not reflected in his nimber. I also firmly believe #99 should be in the HOF. World class dick when he played, but he was a game changer with monster numbers. As HOF voting member Peter King dsays all the time, "I only vote for what the player did on the field."
To call him a lunch pail guy is an insult, even though he went about his business in a very workmanlike, professional manner. Maybe that lack of flash and a nickname are holding him back from the HOF? Regardless, he is one of the greatest Jets of all time and he deserves to be in the HOF.
Klecko certainly should be a Hall of Famer. It's a crock that he is not in. Parcells sure did have some whacky picks, none more so than Scott Frost, who he drafted to play out of position, in a rather high round. Let's not forget about him. But, as our HC BP made up for the draft poor choices by getting the team to play above their talent level.
Blame the farrrior thing mostly on Bradway and Edwards with honorable mention to parcels cause of the cap mess he left behind. as far as Bradway and Edwards I still do not know why they switched to a damn 4-3 Tampa crap when they had the 3-4 personnel in place ready to rock. If I was woody I would have nixed that 4-3 bs but he knew nothing about football and the team seemed hell bent on hiring Edwards so in came the 4-3 and out goes farrior