The last Bourne movie was 2007 (they had a movie in 2012 with Jeremy Renner, but I watched it and it'd be a real stretch to call it a Bourne movie without Jason Bourne) because Paul Greengrass was doing other projects and Matt Damon said he wouldn't do a movie without him. Things have finally changed, although it's for 2016 and that means it'll have been 9 years between Bourne movies.
That's cool. I wonder if they will have Damon and Renner team up or not? It would definitely be cool if they crossed paths.
Just got back from Jason Bourne. Pretty good movie. If you like the others, you will like it. I had fun.
It was everything I would have expected from Bourne 5. Fast paced, tied in to Bournes 1-3. 4 must have been the filler as there was no mention or reference to it. As usual, Bourne kicked ass all across Europe. I would have loved to have been on the strip in Vegas when they did the car chase scene. Yes, there will be a Bourne 6 but I'm hoping they put this franchise to rest finally. BTW, was the female lead in this the Persian commander in 300? If not they could be sisters. Good matinee movie. No awards or honorable mentions for this one though. Mostly red meat for us action junkies.
The people who have talked like this about the movie confuse me. What did you expect? I went in expecting a Bourne movie and I got one.