Grab yourself a big knife, slather yourself all over with honey and head up to the woods. I am sure the bears will find you soon enough. Then just go at them with the knife. Imagine the stories you could tell.
Actually, "How to get raped by a bear". Wanted to see how close my suggestion was to what the experts say. I've googled far worse.
so, labor day weekend, have 3 cameras running and nothing bigger than that 6 pointer i posted last month. i bought a new wild games camera, their base model, caught it on sale at dicks for $40 figured i would give it a shot with the moultrie failing. so far, 1 week in, looks good. not the best night video but not the worst. decent trigger. very easy and basic set up. definitely worth what i paid for. the way cameras tend to grow legs a good cheap camera is better than a great expensive one
camera's are still out from last year. I need to get out and replace the batteries and pull the cards. don't know how much I'll get out this year with twins due in a week. Been doing a lot of shit to prepare for that nonsense.
Southern Bow opens Saturday - looks to be a little wet but I'll be out for a few hours in the morning. Dusted off the bow last week and started practicing. Last year I was a rookie and stuck with 20 yards. I wanted to get to 30 this year - first target session was a joke so I moved it into 20 and was disappointed that was all over the place too. Took days to get back on track at 20 yards, still a mess at 30 so I'm still stuck at 20 yarders for now.
i won't be out till monday. heading to maryland for bmx. hey nsn, the best way to get good at 30 yards is to practice at 40 yards, i try to practice at 50 yards but won't take a shot in the woods past 40. too many things can go wrong, but when you practice at 50 and you get a 20 yard shot at a deer it looks like a chip shot. of course i did miss last year so take it for what its worth lol good luck to you.
I'm not really a hunter, but I did shoot a Mexican Eagle yesterday that was trying to kill my father in law's Chihuahua.