The only reason I brought up the liberal website he posted was that he was bitching about the bias in clinton cash and acted like his site was pure of any bias. unless, you're talking about my comments on Alex Jones, who is as far from liberal as you can get.
Gotcha..... Just out of curiosity, will your feelings change about him if he squirms his way out of debating?
I strongly dislike Trump. I highly doubt he'll back out of debates but if he does it won't change my opinion one way or another.
Trump won't back of any debates. He may or may not get waxed by Hillary. But one thing is for sure, he will not cower like a fucking pussy the way Romney did in the debates against Obama.
Didn't anyone see these early/late edition covers of yesterday's New York Post? The inside pages were London Fleet St. tabloid-worthy (and TGG Google ad unworthy : ) ) - great bod, nice ass.
and speaking of the Khan family... Clinton Cash: Khizr Khan’s Deep Legal, Financial Connections to Saudi Arabia, Hillary’s Clinton Foundation Tie Terror, Immigration, Email Scandals Together just like Hillary said, "follow the money"
so it was all a plan. They had their son killed in the war so they could help Hillary get elected and protect their financial interests
Trump is the Skip Bayless of politics, just spewing senseless BS to get whatever attention he can. It's too bad, too, because his actual platform is a dramatic improvement over the idiocy Ted Cruz espouses. Honestly, if there were an actual adult human running on Trump's platform, I think they could win in a landslide.
Please advise when any electee exhibited anything in office that was a validation of their platform as a candidate.
This! End garbage thread. Seriously, I'm no Trump cheerleader but this is a bad post by the OP. Very dishonest or stupid. Either way, I can only speak for myself when I say the OP has made himself completely irrelevant with this one post. Good reply nonetheless.
If that is what he based it on yes, but its been established that the judge's involvement in LA RAZA is what prompeted him to say that. Fucking LaRaza. Delusional goons
Teddy Roosevelt's second term, for sure. Probably Lyndon Johnson's second term also. Maybe we only get Presidents who do what they say after their predecessor is assassinated? Also Carter. But sticking to your platform and being successful aren't the same thing, so it doesn't help him much.
has absolutely nothing to do with Trump's asshole response to the family. John Oliver said it best : "The main takeaway from these two weeks is that, incredibly, we may be on the brink of electing such a damaged, sociopathic narcissist that the simple presidential duty of comforting the families of fallen soldiers may actually be beyond his capabilities," Oliver said. "And I genuinely did not think that that was a part of the job that someone could be bad at."
I just can't take anything that d-bag oliver says seriously. whether he's right or wrong about a point I am distracted by his douchebaggery. He's a Jon Stewart wannabe that is not nearly as cool and with a d-bag delivery.
Hahaha very funny. It perfectly explains their initial attack on Trump at the DNC. Just another pawn in the big game who also appears to have a financial interest.
Forget any possible financial benefits may derive to the Khan family for the moment, there being no indication Trump was aware of anything related at the time. Do you believe or not that Trump was unfair to the Khans and owes them, at least, an apology?