I have no problem with you. I think your statements (retaliatory or otherwise) are naive and plain fucking stupid, but I enjoy the dialogue. Keep it up, please
sure I admit I was wrong and you still have a problem. And most low quality images are fakes. You're an asshole and I shouldn't have responded to your attention seeking bait in the first place.
Now, I know Hillary Clinton is not flawless; no candidate is. But she is the right choice — and the responsible choice — in this election. No matter what you may think about her politics or her record, Hillary Clinton understands that this is not reality television; this is reality. http://www.vox.com/2016/7/27/12305384/michael-bloomberg-speech-case-hillary-clinton
Bloombergs speech was hilarious. He kicked trumps ass haha. Telling people to vote for the sane candidate
here hes saying hes a self made billionaire and didn't receive a million dollar check to help him get to where hes at today unlike Trump. He went on to say Trump talks from both sides of his mouth, a con and cant be trusted. That 'the richest thing about Donald Trump is his Hypocrisy'.
Well Bloomberg isn't running for president so I don't get why he feels the need to compare himself to Trump? If Trump can't be trusted, what is to be said about Hillary?
his response to Hillary is this : Now, I know Hillary Clinton is not flawless; no candidate is. But she is the right choice — and the responsible choice — in this election. No matter what you may think about her politics or her record, Hillary Clinton understands that this is not reality television; this is reality. He also pretty much said Trump is crazy as already pointed out in this thread.
I look at one sentence in that quote which sounds pretty damn stupid to me, "No matter what you may think about her politics or her record". Isn't that what you are supposed to look at with a candidate? Aren't those really the 2 most important things? So besides her politics or her record what are we to look at, that shes a Democrat? WTF
Waterboy I would advise you to watch/read the whole speech. You are picking out one small anecdote. His whole point was that he could vote for someone he disagrees with from time to time but not a psycho like Trump lol
I don't find that at all convincing. No matter what you think about her politics or her record? Yea OK bloomy. #ClintonCash
The best case scenario is that Trump wins and is the most hands off president in US history, letting his cabinet and his staff do all the work while he takes all the credit. This election sucks. Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk