This is the best I can find right now: The New York Timesreports today, “[R]esearchers have concluded that the national committee was breached by two Russian intelligence agencies, which were the same attackers behind previous Russian cyberoperations at the White House, the State Department and the Joint Chiefs of Staff last year. And metadata from the released emails suggests that the documents passed through Russian computers….. Whether the thefts were ordered by Mr. Putin, or just carried out by apparatchiks who thought they might please him, is anyone’s guess.” The Washington Postreported overnight, “In the past 24 hours, cybersecurity experts have said that the email cache released by WikiLeaks on Friday appears to have been given to the anti-secrecy group by Russian intelligence.” There are more points of interest in the link ... Whatever it is or may be true this is an ugly way to start the convention.
What difference does this make? The Russians didn't write those emails, did they? This is just a DNC spin and some sheep will undoubtfully buy into it. What do you think was more secure, the DNC servers or Hillary's home server with all that classified info? I am fairly certain it's the former. Just wait till classified emails begin leaking out. Now that's going to be interesting!
mmmm.......curds.. Cred? This after saying you were going to "donate to Clinton" and that you were going to find the time to "volunteer for her?"
I do not really care about this Russian aspect, but it does have me wondering about a bunch of other top secret e-mails that were on a private server. Its good to have friends in high places..
Seems to be better than having gay killing, women abusing, terrorist sponsoring friends on the Arabian Peninsula.
Not that it matters if Russia did this, because the fault lies at the feet of the people who actually wrote the emails, but are we supposed to just believe the accusations of the Clinton campaign? As if I believe a single word that comes out of her mouth.
that's the funny thing: The leaks were all about the DNC pushing the media to manipulate stories to their benefit and now the media is spinning the leaks as a sort of Russian conspiracy to allow the DNC to play the victim. Wonder where that story is coming from? haha. maybe we need another hack to find out
I mean, I expect it at this point but the level of arrogance is truly astounding. I guess they expect people to not know or not care.
It's quite astonishing how many people are buying into this whole Russian thing on facebook and such. Although one has to wonder whether those "people" are real people and not some paid trolls.
Wasserman Schultz booed off stage in Philadelphia
Russians didn't write or send the emails so if they did leak the emails, which I don't care if they were the ones or not, the only thing they have done is exposed the DNC for the corrupt organization they are. Just as corrupt as the RNC but they try and present themselves as morally superior so I think this is great.
It's much more likely that it was Julian who reached out to the Russians, if anyone.
I'm shocked they don't just put her in a closet for the week and tell her to STFU. Why drag that baggage around?
Just as an FYI, metadata is easily spoofed and faked. International attribution is nearly impossible, short of outright negligence on the part of attacking parties. When you see stuff like this, take it with a massive grain of salt.
Their spin about Trump aides' connections with the Russians seems even more ridiculous, considering this: FIVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE CLINTONS AND A URANIUM COMPANY