I'm not sure we can even fully define it. The media doesn't help. It doesn't help we're not monitoring these ex-military more closely and seeing where their mental states are after returning from duty, especially when deployed to the Middle East. And even today, this ridiculous story came out, though if only Sterling and Castile could have been shot in the leg instead of the chest/arm, they may have survived like this man did. http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article90905442.html
What's the answer you're looking for? There is no doubt a lack of trust between police and blacks. And seemingly the numbers show that blacks do not get killed at a higher rate than whites by police. But cops without question perceive blacks differently and it's led to impulsive decision-making.
Definetly agree with all of this. Just from personal experience though, since moving from ny to sc 10 years ago, I find racial tensions much much less here in sc.
I'm not looking for anything other than an actual description of what you perceive the issue you're referring to as. So far it seems like you're really beating around the bush.
Sigh. I dislike Trump, but I don't wish him dead. It's like wishing Brady gets hurt, it's wrong and bothers me.
Obama should show more support for the police. Their job is tough and dangerous and they do the best they can. The BLM crowd has a point about the way black people can be treated by cops, but I'm pretty sure cops save countless more black lives than they take.
I think if anyone really wants to solve any problems , they need to stop putting the blame on both police , black and white people... Take them right out of the equation and start blaming the right people and institutions . Politicians and media
I just gave it to you. There are many factors. Now go ahead and provide what you believe the issue is.
The media yes, politicians no. You really believe Obama and Clinton are inspiring these psychos to go out and execute police? Not my train of thought.
We're posting in a thread about cops getting assassinated. Your description of the issue is that: a) There's a lack of trust between blacks and cops b) Cops perceive blacks differently, which has led to impulse decision making. Is this what you believe is causing police to be assassinated? Because it seems an awful lot like you're blaming the victims.
Here we go with the fox news narrative. Forget to include my mentioning of us monitoring veterans after their tours are over? Considering the executions of police were done by less than mentally stable ex-military.
Yes, their rhetoric gives the street justice court of law credence. A story breaks with a cell video, and Obama is addressing the nation about white cops not treating everyone the same. He damn well has excited all of it . He is the leader and should use the court of law for judgement . But it goes further than that. These people are encountering cops because of a lifestyle. It's democratic politics that keep empoverishing people , forcing them to these lifestyles
wtf does this have to do with fox news? If my comments sound like fox news it's not because I'm watching it - but you must be.
Hard to argue with the welfare spiel, but to say that Obama is leading and inciting these cop killings is laughable. The media more so for constantly showing the videos over and over. That is what these psychos are seeing and they know it will be them on the Tv screen should they carry out their twisted plan.
This is where I completely disagree - most black people that are badly treated aren't treated that way because they're black, they're treated that way because they are non-cooperating criminals. It's the same with white criminals, people acting ansty and reaching into their pockets when told not to or reaching for something are going to get shot and in most cases should be getting shot. It's not a race thing and BLM is making it out to be a race thing and now all of a sudden law enforcement is the enemy when in fact they are the ones protecting people, all races included
Well, why is the potus speaking about race issues and cops , before his justice system tries the case? Why is he sending representatives to mike Browns funeral before the case is in court? Why is he calling trayvon his son? Why is he addressing the nation on these drop in the ocean occurrences at all? Why is he telling black lives matter what great work they are doing, when their narrative can be debunked with a few keystrokes ?
Obama, along with other retarded democrats stand up and talk about race every time a black guy is killed by a cop and it makes the news. He's helping to push the narrative that cops are killing blacks because they're black. Yea - this is Obama's America.