Maybe she and her party should stop setting people up to be killed by keeping them impoverished . I can't even call her a stupid bitch, because she knows she's full if shit. It's the people that buy her product .
As long as the money keeps rolling in she will keep telling the lies, not much can be done about those that believe the lies. When I first saw this video I was expecting her to eat a piece of blueberry bubblegum and have to get rolled out by the Oompa Loompas
You sent a dozen or so quotes, I don't see anything in any of them I'd call race baiting. What is that you see that I can't? Let's deal with specifics, not generalities, particularly not hypothetical generalities.
Denying you have a point is the new original thought. Retard. Have you ever seen a conflicting opinion that you saw merit in but disagreed with a portion of and intelligently explained why? We both know you haven't. You never really have a point. You just provide what you consider a counter argument, but what anyone else would consider a joke response. That's your existence. You must try harder.
Who says he knows the motive of police, racism or otherwise? Where has he shown that? Some guys here are just getting way ahead of the discussion. Have you seen this?
Originality? I didn't know it was original to tell someone from Philadelphia to shove a cheese steak up their ass. Who knew? Nah, you're not original. You're just lonely because you're impotent. The missus knows this
hahaha "you aren't original! in return I offer you the very typical, way too often used, penis criticism." you gotta admit that's pretty damn funny. you coulda gone with the usual mom's basement troll swipe or the your momma's so fat one. either way good work
Lol you troll everyone on this board with your holier-than-thou paragraphs. Don't convince yourself otherwise.
How do you propose we overcome this issue with the police and the citizens they are sworn to protect?
Ever since the president decided not to light the White House blue for the slain police officers I have been off the Democratic Party. I don't know when this country started hating police so much..? I think the rnc made some valid points about Chicago and black on black violence. Who goes in to try to protect and save ppl.. it's the police. I think the police are under tremendous scrutiny and while rogue police officers may be guilty of crimes against citizens I think the sample size is incredibly small. That said I live in NYC. This country is enormous. The real "hoods" in our country are down south and out in the Midwest. Those areas seem to harbor much more racist tensions, hate, than in this city. People here, for the most part, have learned to live together regardless of race, religion , sexual orientation , etc. I stand with police. Their job is extremely difficult .
Simple, apply the law: if proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, toss the cop's ass in jail and throw away the key (not that this sudden wish to "discuss the issue" doesn't reek of phony baloney b.s. given your habitual trolling). and body cams on all, 24/7