That was awesome! The skateboard kid has a pair of balls on him. -- Last January I was walking out of the Bills stadium after our loss dejected and drunk and right in front of me and my friends was a fat wasted Bills fan and his chubby wife. There was a bunch of snow so to get to our car we had to walk in the middle of this road and not the sidewalk but it was a side road in the parking lots....... All of a sudden a big truck comes down the road with another fat wasted Bills fan driving and his chubby wife in the passenger seat. My friends and I scattered to the side of the road but the other fat wasted bills fan walking was seemingly oblivious to his fat fellow bills fan driving behind him. After driving like 2 miles an hour right on his tail for awhile, Finally the fat truck driver just HAMMERED on the horn. The chubby wife walking throws her plastic beer cup on the windshield and the fat walker double punched the hood as hard as he could! The fat wasted driver gets out of the car and they are screaming at each other face to face when the cops started walking over and everyone dispersed and the driver got back into his truck and drove away. wish I got that on film. this was better tho. much better car, more destruction and less fat rednecks
Good to see there's still a punk rock skateboarder mentality....... I wonder if that kid knows who the Dead Kennedys are?
Apparently everybody is claiming this video is a fake. This video won't play for me, but allegedly a reporter figured out that it's a fake.
The reporter's piece is actually pretty poorly done, but the bottom line is that it's probably a fake (skater waits for a cue, the mclaren owner is the guy who posted the video, etc...) Not a Mclaren fan myself. For that style it's lambo all the way, but personally I prefer Ferraris and hate all porches
The McLaren F1 is easily the best supercar ever made, but I'm kind of partial to the NSX for fundamental reasons..
My dad used to be an aircraft mechanic for a large shipping / freight outfit...... well when the NSX first came out, they transported a few. They said...."Let's test this thing out" and took it for a spin on an airport runway
a very close pal of mine has a '96 NSX. hes had the engine rebuilt and had another $60k of work put into to it to make it even more ridiculous than it already was. thing has some severe pop to it
I've only ever driven one twice, first time I was test driving and didn't really open it up, second time it was owned by a friend of mine and we took it out on a well-paved road in the Texas country, great ratio of power-to-handling, I fell in love with that car.
Woman runs over $300,000 Ferrari in terrible attempt at leaving a parking spot