Glad you made it out because it ain't over til it's over.
FAA lifted it's ban on flights from Turkey on Monday and most airlines said they would resume flights yesterday so here's hoping he did
Snap. What's the feeling on the ground there now? It feels like something Erdogan organised himself to allow all the purgings that hAve happened since
I don't know how to explain. Turkey has been divided into two. 50% supports the current Islamic Dictator Erdogan and 50% hates him. Since the coup is unsuccessful President Erdogan has suspended/arrested 50,000 army personnel, teachers, bankers etc. As a Kurd, I don't care what happens in Turkey. I am hoping Erdogan becomes a bigger problem for USA so USA says OK to a free Kurdistan.
GTFO of Turkey and never look back. My experience with Istabul was a disaster and I had to do deal with so much shit from airport and military personnel when there. Fuck that place, never going back. I am glad you and the fam are good Brook, I totally missed seeing this thread. Better to be in Greece during that economic meltdown then in Turkey where Erdogan is using democracy to reshape himself into a dictator.
Hope you're leisurely taking in all the sights and offerings within the four walls of the US Embassy.