Chad was in a dogfight for the starting QB role. He comes out the first two weeks, and he's golden. Then he starts charming the coach and the OC (remember, Shott was hot for Clemens during training camp), and we start hearing Eric talk about Chad in different terms. Chad's performance starts to go down. If he looks tentative early on, I say pull his ass out for two series and put Ramsey in. If Ramsey moves 'em ride 'em until he stops moving them. Then put Chad back in. in the words of Seagal, Chad needs to know he's not ABOVE THE LAW.
He's had 2 bad games in 8, I don't think his por play against Jax or Cle had anything to do w/ him becoming complacent. Every QB has a few games like that a year and his arm had to get a little tired after 2 surgeries and this being his first extended action in 2 years. hopefully the bye week helped and we'll see the Chad from the first month.
that's arguably the dumbest thing i've ever read. i bet it has nothing to do with defense adjusting back to how they used to play him. teams were daring him to throw early on and he was beating them...then teams saw we can't run the ball so now they drop 6 or 7 guys in coverage on every play...which is a problem when you only send out 2 or 3 receivers. some of you really need to watch the game more closely. then moronic threads like this may not happen
Well, the playcalling was terrible. Pennington's struggles were terrible, but they were only made worse by horrendous playcalling. -X-
This post is the stupidest idea ive ever heard this year. Not including the trades that people posted.
and therein lies the problem with Chad. how often do people say things like this about the top-tier QB's in the league? we never know which Pennington is going to show up: the scared little boy, or the efficient, on-cue man. i'm getting really tired, year after year, of wondering which Pennington will show up each week. cheers
Chad is what he is. An above average QB. He will have more good games, some OK games and a few Terrible games. To say that he is not pressured for his job is crazy. He won the job in pre season, now he has to help his team win.
I have a major problem with your response. This type of thing is why I stopped posting here for the most part. I disagree with the idea suggested in the original post. However, it is not at all stupid. It's an idea with which you disagree. Our purpose here is for ideas to be raised and debated. If you or others call these ideas stupid or call the pople who offer them names, people will stop posting them and then all we'll be left with is a back-and-forth of you're stupid - no, you're stupid. You get the idea. Invite ideas and debate them. No name calling.
We should drag Vinny off his couch again and suit him up, that'll strike the fear of god into all of them.
The guy is coming off TWO shoulder surgeries, your expectations are way too high. Pre-injury we didn't have to worry about stuff like this and even w/ his injuries Chad never has back to back bad games.
Chad's supposedly never had two bad games (rating-wise) in a row according to articles I read so he's poised to bounce back just like most top tier quarterbacks you read about after they have bad games. Granted Favre is no longer in his prime but he has probably more 4 INT games then Chad's played in his career so far yet people will consider him a hall of fame QB. There are few QBs, mainly just Peyton and Brady who are truly consistent these days. Chad's problem has always been thinking too much and that seems to be what he's was back to doing. Plus the play calling has lacked a bit and they got away from doing what they were doing successfully in the first few games.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.... did somebody sign on with your name and start this thread? tell them to stop making silly posts when your not around!
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.... did somebody sign on with your name and start this thread? tell them to stop making silly posts when your not around! :breakdance:
This post amazes me. The Jets were a team that nobody expected to win more than 4-5 games all year. The defense has been horrendous, making the opponent running back look like Jim Brown every week. There is no pass rush. There is no running game. The there is Penington, who after two surgeries everybody thougth his career was over. Instead, he comes in and leads and I mean LEADS this bad team to 4 wins after 7 games. Then he has a bad game in Cleveland (despite having thrown the tying TD pass with under a minute left and having it wrongly called off by the officials) and now Jet fans are calling for Pennington's head and putting it all on him. At the halfway point, Pennington is the team MVP. Put the heat and the blame elsewhere more deserving, like the DL or LBs.
Obviously most people have an opinion on this whether you like it or not, so if you don't have anything to add, I'd suggest you keep the nonsense you posted away.
And heaven forbid you ever admit you were wrong about Pennington or give him an ounce of the credit he deserves or that you recognize any of his positive attributes rather than focusing solely on his arm strength. Your repetitive posting is very boring and tiresome. Is your knowledge of football that shallow?
The bottom line here is this: regardless of the two bad games Penny has had this year, who is the best QB on the roster? Right now, neither Ramsey nor Clemens is better than Pennington. So unless we'd like to see Mangini give up on the season and look to next year, Chad should start. TBTF