Nothing you have posted here is responsive to the request you back up your prior statement: "This is happening because our "leaders" and the media are pushing the false narrative that the police are hunting blacks for sport."
You don't know that. I don't know that. Two people know what happened; the cop does and the girlfriend does. I think we need to have some more evidence before we judge.
Okay, A whole new bunch of quotes, but none of which support your statement above. Reading through these quotes, even though they don't appear to relate to your claims they all seem pretty reasonable. What, specifically, do you have a problem with in some or all of them?
That's because you're dense as fuck. Connect the dots. Every time there is a high profile case where a black guy is killed by police these assholes are standing up on a podium telling the public it's about race. The obvious implication is that the deaths wouldn't have occurred if the dead guy wasn't black. It's not my problem if you cannot put two and two together.
Stay on point strawman. You challenged whether the president's quotation even existed, period; there was nothing further to say. Fact of the matter is that even with nothing in hand you still felt compelled to contest it only because your partisan sensibilities were chaffed which in turn pretty much confirmed where you were coming from in the first place. You didn't see the president's address? Not my problem - just don't comment on it then.
Exposing your "agenda" card trolling for what it is. My 'agenda' in turn is not about being a blind partisan troll and who (for better or worse) was capable of pulling the lever for Barrack Obama on consecutive occasions.
You connect the fucking dots, you're the one who made the fucking ridiculous "hunting blacks for sport" claim. I gave you more credit than you've shown you deserve. Just keep repeating all the bullshit hyperbole if it makes you feel better but it does nothing to support your nonsense.
So, you got nothin'? No reference, no date, no context, no nothin'? I've seen a lot of presidential addresses, but I haven't memorized any, except the Gettysburg address back in eighth grade. If you had a real quote, with real context, I'd expect you to support your claim and allow more than a sound bite to be examined. And you don't get to decide what I comment on.
Lol want a pat on the back? The only thing you do is troll this board with pretentious drivel. Must be lonely out there...
Every time a high profile case involving a cop killing a black guy pops up, our leaders are talking about race issues with policing. This isn't really difficult, even for you. I know you prefer to bury your head in the sand though.
-I quoted the president just seconds into his address. - Browning Nagle also referred to that VERY SAME QUOTE in his post as well. You then butt in with "what quote was that?... that is, assuming it even existed..." You think you even deserve the time of day after that trolling stunt?