The wire and it isn't close. Not to say BB wasn't great. Just the wire might be the greatest series ever
Breaking Bad...this is very easy choice. Those 6 collective seasons were the best in television history. The Wire had a nice 1st season, very good 2nd season, great 3rd aeason, the best 4th season, 5th season was a complete mess and fail at times
The Wire for sure. See Breaking Bad is like a 40-degree day. Ain't nobody got nothing to say about a 40-degree day. Fifty. Bring a smile to your face. Sixty, shit, niggas is damn near barbecuing on that motherfucker. Go down to 20, niggas get their bitch on. Get their blood complaining. But forty? Nobody give a fuck about 40. Nobody remember 40, and y'all niggas is giving me way too many 40-degree days! What the fuck?
I tend to agree. I enjoyed them both a ton, but the Wire seemed like the much deeper series despite the fact that the 2nd season was incredibly dry, much like how the first season of Breaking Bad was somewhat boring. The first season of the Wire is the best ever made IMO. BB seemed to be somewhat predictable. It was almost certain that nothing would happen to any of the 6 characters in the family & Jesse until the end. Whereas the Wire had me wondering whose gonna die this episode. I also thoroughly enjoyed the parallels between the police world vs. thugs. At times it was like watching two different shows intertwined.
I haven't finished The Wire yet, just finished season 1 recently (yeah I know I'm over a decade late). I did like Breaking Bad a lot so I'll have to see if the rest of The Wire holds up.
Don't get deterred by the second season. I have friends that have completely skipped it. Not my style, but it is somewhat painful at times.
Breaking Bad blows away the Wire. It's not even remotely close. The wire had a couple AMAZING seasons, but overall it wasn't consistent. Breaking Bad didn't have any bad seasons, it stayed consistently awesome for pretty much the entire duration of the show. I swear the wire is the most over rated show of all time. It was good, but it's not even top 10, IMO. Season 2 and 5 were pretty crappy and no show that has 2 entire bad/mediocre seasons can possibly be a top show.
Season 2 is one of the seasons I chose not to re-watch but some people have said they thought Season 2 was the best. To each his own. Twas good but I preferred 1, 3 or 4. Still better than Breaking bad though it just has such depth
The Wire? Seriously? I didn't know a soul on this earth ever even bothered with it. Breaking Bad is by FAAAAR the best media in electronic history. This is a stupid ass thread. What's better, Barney, Dora, or The Office? Haha smh.
These 2 shows are my favorite TV shows ever. Tough one but I have to go with The Wire. Breaking Bad had a rather dry start while the Wire was consistently good until the last season which took a dip. Breaking Bad hands down had the better last season, but here's the difference. The Wire took real life issues and made it a story so that to me holds a little more value. The Wire had better character development and was less predictable. Loved the last 3 seasons of BB, but this is a tough decision. It's apples to oranges. Plus I couldn't stand that bitch Skylar, so annoying!!! Her character development felt forced.
If it's such a stupid ass thread get out of it. Your opinions here are rather fantastical if you don't think the Wire (like the majority of the public does) is an excellent show. There's a reason it received a 9.4/10 on various reputable ranking sites including IMDB. They tied for 3rd all time on IMDB's top TV shows of all time, ahead of the aforementioned Sopranos, and .1 point behind Planet Earth & Band of Brothers. I rationalize with those who like BB better but you've just made some pretty asinine statement which leads me to believe that you have absolutely no credibility when it comes to television.
I liked BB better. I think the major difference was one was on HBO and the other on AMC. AMC was cutting their budget all the time, and while I don't know about The Wire, it seems they could do pretty much whatever they wanted. The Wire was very good though, but I think I'm in the minority that didn't like season 4 that much. I really did not care about the school at all (although I think it fit nicely into the overall story and ending).
The last three seasons of Breaking Bad were some of the most riveting in television forever. Some of the best dialogue you will find Crawl Space Gus takes his time Gus's Walk (May be my favorite scene of all time in TV, followed by his scene with Hector that little Ratta) Say my name I am the danger Felina (Perfect end to a damn near perfect show)