The nail has been hit directly on the head there. Unfortunately, those who should be listening to people like him won't , because that would mean biting the hand that they think is feeding them. There is no doubt racism is alive and well in America. But it's not coming from the police. It's coming from the the very same left using people as tools in the street, that then turn around behind your back and destroy you with oppression
Why don't you go ahead and fill us in on what people are ignorant about in here since you believe you're so well informed?
Some more Obama on Freddie Gray: “This has been going on for a long time,” the President said. “This is not new, and we shouldn’t pretend that it’s new. The good news is that perhaps there’s some newfound awareness, because of social media and video cameras and so forth, that there are problems and challenges when it comes to how policing and our laws are applied in certain communities and we have to pay attention to it.” Obama on Alston Sterling and Philando Castile: "But regardless of the outcome of such investigations, what's clear is that these fatal shootings are not isolated incidents. They are symptomatic of the broader challenges within our criminal justice system, the racial disparities that appear across the system year after year, and the resulting lack of trust that exists between law enforcement and too many of the communities they serve. Clinton on Sterling and Castile: “I reiterate a call for national guidelines. We have 18,000 police departments. Some of them are very small. Some of them are not very well-trained. Some of them, you know, don’t really have the resources that are necessary to keep training and retraining. And, frankly, Wolf, to go after systemic racism, which is a reality, and to go after implicit bias.” Governor Mark Dayton on Castile: "Would this have happened if those passengers, the driver and the passengers, were white? I don't think it would have," Dayton said. "So I'm forced to confront, and I think all of us in Minnesota are forced to confront, this kind of racism exists and that it's incumbent upon all of us to vow that were going to do whatever we can to see that it doesn't happen, doesn't continue to happen." Obama on Eric Garner: "Some of you may have heard there was a decision that came out today by a grand jury not to indict police officers who had interacted with an individual with Eric Garner in New York City, all of which was caught on videotape and speaks to the larger issues that we’ve been talking about now for the last week, the last month, the last year, and, sadly, for decades, and that is the concern on the part of too many minority communities that law enforcement is not working with them and dealing with them in a fair way. Congress hands up don’t shoot (michael brown): Biden after Sterling/Castilo: "What does matter is that the frustration that exists in African-American community of the institutional racism that’s been around forever and ever in the United States and still exists in application of some of the laws has to be addressed. And it’s real. And some of the police organizations that I met with today, the president met with, acknowledged that," Biden said. "I think for anyone to suggest that there is not inappropriate behavior in a small percentage of the police departments, police men and women, is just not being realistic and so what Black Lives Matter large is about, is acknowledging the institutional racism that remains," he said. "But the vast majority of the 18,000 police departments you know, they in fact apply the law equally and well, but it does exist."
Today the divider in chief basically said that cops need to acknowledge the false narrative if they want to be safer. "And if police organizations and departments acknowledge that there’s a problem and there’s an issue, then that, too, is going to contribute to real solutions. And, as I said yesterday, that is what’s going to ultimately help make the job of being a cop a lot safer. It is in the interest of police officers that their communities trust them and that the kind of rancor and suspicion that exists right now is alleviated."
Yes police, be kinder and gentler to that guy robbing the convenience store. That guy punching the elderly lady for her purse .:: communicate with him and give him a flower as you try to arrest him. He will respond back with kindness. That guy who is about to shoot you as you walk up to the traffic stop, maybe wash and wax his car before you walk up. Help him take the dye pack out of the bag of money so he get get where he needs to go safely. Yes, we need better , kinder and gentler policing. That is the problem .
Kinda crazy that here we are with a black president finally and we're practically in the initial stages of a race war.
another whiff son-of-sponge.....btw obsessed much?
JetLifeLo Well-known Member Joined: Dec. 18, 2013 Messages: 4,013 Location: Philly, PA Why don't you go shove a cheese steak up your ass
Obsessed? No no...not the one who is quoting himself from 4 years ago...You spend an awful lot of time on here. And then telling someone to put a Philly cheese up their tuchus? Really?
"We don’t need inflammatory rhetoric. We don’t need careless accusations thrown around to score political points or to advance an agenda,” Obama said. “We need to temper our words and open our hearts, all of us.” 7/17/16 “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said at a Philadelphia fundraiser Friday night. 2008 Rhetoric for me but not for thee.