Actually no. The liberal left has done an excellent job of fooling poor minorities into thinking the best they can hope for, is living in poverty in overcrowded government funded slums. 50+ years of these failed policies is were we are today.
The big picture is another black man was killed over nothing by another shit faced pig. This aint no coincidence. He wasn't rightfully shot.. he wasn't threatening any one.. he wasn't attempting to do harm.. the cop pulled him over... he was minding his business. He initiated a situation and executed an innocent man... fuck the rule book.. no rules were broken. "liscense and registration sir?" ..... "sure let me grab tha- BANG" "all lives matter" hahahaha. ok.
More white males have been killed than black males while black males have been pulled over at a higher rate. The issue isn't race related so let's move on from that already. It's whether or not the police are to trigger happy.
Oh - well since you know everything that happened, maybe you can enlighten us all? Please share the details and let us know where you found them. And what does his being black have to do with it?
Yup, that's what happened. Lol. The Hispanic cop just decided , you know what.. I'm just going to throw my life away today and kill someone over nothing. I mean, you're right. I think everyone knows it's common to ha e a gun in your lap at a traffic stop. It's just normal procedure
Yeah because you know he had the gun ON HIS LAP! lmao. All that was reported was that he had a gun. THE COP CLEARLY ASKED HIM FOR HIS PAPERWORK THEN LIED AND SAID HE DIDNT. and throw his life away? They get away with the shit everytime... he's on paid vacation at home watching ESPN.
Yeah... See this is a huge problem. Taking a life isn't something that is taken easy, especially for a police officer. I doubt he is living it up. Like I've said I ha e a family full of le,including my uncle who was 1st on scene in the lirr massacre. You have no idea what seeing shit like that does to soneone. But it may explain why people can live with bullets flying around there head and have 15 people shot a week in their own neighborhood and not give a fuck but then get mad a a police shooting. 900 miles away. Maybe it's because taking a life is viewed as easy and no big deal to them, not the cops .
I'm seeing a trend here. People come into the thread outraged at the discussion happening, try to shame people for the opinions they have citing ignorance - and then something funny happens. When you ask them to fill you in on what you're supposedly ignorant to they fucking disappear. I guess the expectation is that people will give up and bow to the shaming without standing their ground. Nah.
In the video the gf says he was reaching for his id and he had a firearm and the cop can be heard screaming,"I told him not to reach for it. I told him to get his arm up(out?)". The cop is obviously freaking out, but why would he be freaking out?
That's how happy he was that he achieved his goal of just plain ole busting a cap. He sounds upset , but since everything is not what it seems these days..: that just means he was happy.