Nope. False narratives about police brutality by the president and Black Lives Matter has led to this. You're fooling yourself if you don't believe that.
Show us some statistics that police are killing citizens repeatedly. Then when you find those stats, filter out the justified shootings, like as in Michael Brown, and then give me that number.
Don't let the door hit you.... 129 blacks have been shot dead by the cops in 2016, 80 of those blacks carried a gun 277 blacks have been shot dead only in Chicago in 2016 Care to comment on that?
But but but but.... that's not what BLM cares about. They don't care about black on black violence, only when that racist Whitey kills them
Really? I must be hearing different "leaders" than you and viewing different media. Do you have a single citation for this? Just because it plays well to your point of view does not give an ounce of veracity.
What police? Are you talking about police in general? Seriously? Anybody else you want to kill indiscriminately?
You're as bad as U-man with the generalities. Philando Castile chose to have a fatal encounter with a cop by having the old "broken taillight" or was it the "wide-spread nose?"
I'm not sure when Obama made that quote, or even if he did, but nine hours after you posted there has been nothing about why the shooter acted. Yep, he was a veteran. Yep, he was an adherent of conspiracy groups. Yep, he's been described as "a confused young man." But I haven't seen a reason for his actions ascertained. If you have a problem with the quote you posted, why not just fill everyone in on the motive?
I don't have time this morning to dig all this up for you. I'll start here. There are many more like it that happen after blacks are killed but before many facts are known. Speaking at the annual Congressional Black Caucus Foundation dinner in Washington on Saturday night, Mr. Obama said the death of Michael Brown “awakened our nation” to a reality that black citizens already understood. “In too many communities around the country, a gulf of mistrust exists between local residents and law enforcement,” Mr. Obama said. “Too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement — guilty of walking while black or driving while black, judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness.” I will add more, might even be thread worthy.
I listened to the whole speech and the rest of that speech was really good but I did cringe when I heard that. He should've left that part out. It was unnecessary to say and everyone knows the motive of the killer
Wait. What? The president referenced a thug who just held up a convenience store and then tried to grab a cop's gun to murder him as an example of awakening the nation? Edit - Oh, from 2014. I was going to flip out if he just said this.