They = bad cops. And those who don't affect change against bad cops are bad as well. So it's a big chunk of the police force.
That would be in your eyes... Because you believe that no matter the level of crime , and no matter how armed and combatative a perp is... The cops are still wrong.
I can tell you one thing.. You keep supporting this narrative and you're not going to end up with some utopian law force in this county. You're going to get a militarized force that will have no compassion .
Lol, no, we don't. We have society likes to make excuses for their shitty parenting. And if you think this is militarized police... Just wait.
That called riot gear... For when people decide to riot, loot and burning their city down... Not to mention get hit with bottles etc... And now shot at.
The result will be martial law or MORE racial profiling. These protesters and shooters are doing way more harm than good. If you don't like it here get the fuck out of the country. However, if they do go somewhere else, they will find they had it made in the USA. There are no greener pastures and acting like civilized members of society is the only way real change happens. You want to be a thug and act all hard, don't be shocked when you get taken down.
Only one way to fix any of this... And it has to do with the product each and every family creates and sends out their door .
Nope, not one bit. Death Row is a joke. If 2 or more people see you commit murder, you get a trial and then taken out front the next day and hung in public. Too many criminals are willing to do time. I bet it would curb the violence if they just ended it after trial. The recidivism rate would go way down. Like to zero. How many people go to prison, get out and do the same thing again? Plea deals need to be done away with.
Typical small minded simpleton. Ever hear of Denmark? Where everyone is educated, there is no poverty issue, people have healthcare, guns and deadly violence are nearly nonexistent, and overall quality of life is significantly better? And since you were wondering, I am strongly considering leaving this increasingly horrible country. Half of this country lives in the third world. I'm sure you'll all miss me.
I'm live off of food stamps and unemployment checks. Also I have seven kids, as I mentioned earlier in the thread.