The country is a war zone. Inevitable when you have more guns than people and paranoid racists everywhere.
You're fooling yourself if you think the peole doing this would be boy scouts if they didn't get a hold of a gun
This is happening because our "leaders" and the media are pushing the false narrative that the police are hunting blacks for sport and morons bite hook, line and sinker. It's created an angry mob that is becoming more and more bold every step of the way.
you can't blame guns for actions like that. These issues run a hell of a lot deeper than simply the tools used.
Mere "citizens?" C'mon U-haul, try being a little more transparent than that. What's really on your mind?...
They're killing people because: 1) they are improperly trained and therefore largely incompetent as evidenced by how they can't detain people without deadly force 2) they fear young minorities who don't look like them 3) they police a populace that is highly armed which adds to the fear in point (2) So maybe the people have had enough and decided to strike back. Not saying it's a good thing at all (it's not), but you push a side far enough, they will revolt. What we are seeing is the revolt against the militarized police.
First off... Have you still not absorbed the fact that cops kill more whites despite them accounting for far less if the crime rate? You have kids? If so ... Do you teach them right from wrong before they walk out the door? Do you realize that each and every one of these people make the choice to have an encounter with the cops by not conducting themselves? Do you realize at all who you are vouching for? Most of these people that get shot by cops would have no problem robbing your ass and shooting your wife for your wallet... Black or white. If you really feel that cops fear minorities ... Can you give us any reasons why? Like, if I was a cop in Chicago , or you were, how exactly would you find the perfect pair of kid gloves for those situations?
He's fully latched on to the narrative and doesn't care about the truth. I'd also be shocked if he has children.
So you have no problem with policemen killing criminals? What happened to arresting criminals and having them go to a trial? My argument is that the police is way too trigger happy, and that's unacceptable.