Probably the same reason everyone on my face book feed are criminal justice lawyers you have a problem with balding people ?
Update: The Dallas Morning News, citing a police source, reported that a lockdown was in effect shortly before 6 p.m. local time. There were no immediate reports of any violence. WFAA reported that the threat was made by a group from Houston that claimed to be armed. Breaking News: Dallas police confirm that they have received “an anonymous threat against law enforcement across the city” and have taken “precautionary measures to heighten security.”
That moron Ubiquitous was all "we're living in a police state". After this shit, which he was celebrating, we'll probably end up with martial law.
The most current report I've seen has him in a non-combat area working as a construction worker until he was shipped out of the country after a serious sexual harassment charge was leveled against him. His attorney in that matter expected him to be given a dishonorable, or at least less than honorable discharge and was amazed to find he was given an honorable discharge back in the states. That doesn't leave much room for a PTSD complaint unless he was damaged simply by being in uniform overseas.
We also have the report from the girlfriend that he notified the cop he had a gun. We have nothing from the cop or his lawyer denying he was notified by the victim. Now, while that is certainly not sufficient to declare he told him or not, I'd ask if it seems reasonable that a man about to use a firearm against an armed police officer would notify him in advance?
Probably not. My guess based on everything we know, assuming the GF is being truthful, is that this was a guy who had no intentions of using that gun. Rather a guy handling the situation poorly and the cop reacting as he was trained to protect himself based on seeing a gun and the guy moving the wrong way. If that is the gun on his lap, it could mean my guess is wrong and the guy was actually planning on doing something with it - OR it could mean he handled the situation even more poorly than I thought. This isn't me saying black people need to be careful dealing with cops. Chris Rock already has that covered. It's just that part of being a responsible concealed carrier is knowing how to handle this exact situation, among others. It's really shitty if this is what happened but IMO not a "bad cop" situation. Certainly not grounds for violent retaliation. I just have a hard time buying the narrative that a bunch of cops are just out looking to shoot up black guys. Does he have some kind of history of being a racist or an overly aggressive cop?
There are just so many things that don't add up here based on what we know or believe to be true. Only today did I read that two cops approached the car and only one fired; for that I would commend the second cop who did not get caught up in the frenzy of the first cop firing but maintained his own discipline. Right now what we seem to have is the first cop yelling for the license but not responding to the information about a gun being present. Did he not hear? Did he actually fire accidently? None of this makes any sense at all and we've seen the result.
I think of situations like this like high speed chases. Because innocent people can be hurt in car chases, cops back off to a reasonable extent at the risk of losing the criminal. That's the kind of discretion that needs to be used in personal situations. The response to the existence of a gun shouldn't be shoot now ask questions later if the cop can back off. Sure, maybe a criminal will get away at the moment but that's better than killing somebody, especially in error. That's partially the issue that the black community is complaining about -- not that black men are being unfairly accosted by police but that police are quick to shoot first and ask questions later with black men.
You're not comparing apples to apples. I agree the mere sight of a gun shouldn't have cops guns blazing. But the sight of a gun and a guy reaching towards it? Grabbing a gun, pointing and shooting it can happen very quickly. More whites are killed every year by cops than blacks. There are way more white people, so it's the ratio that is way out of whack, but why is that? Are we going to take the media's word for it and assume it's just skin color? Maybe we should dig deeper and talk about factors like frequency of interaction with police, among others.