Oh no doubt there's still racism alive and well in this country. I'm sure there is some percentage of law enforcement where that exists too. It just seems we're too quick to convict the police officers in the court of public opinion now-a-days when most of the time they are good people doing an extremely difficult job.
This i agree 100%. I have plenty of white friends in law enforcement and i absolutely trust them with my life. Many im not friends with i do as well. Cant let a few bad seeds make everyone look bad. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
Staying neutral? Waiting for all the facts to come out is the right thing to do. Rushing to judgement is not. We only see one side of the story in Minnesota and it's impossible for anybody but the girlfriend, the deceased and the officers involved to know what transpired prior to her turning on the camera. Was excessive force used? It's entirely possible but just declaring it is because of 11 minutes of video after he was shot doesn't prove it. In Louisiana, the police were called to the store because Sterling was waving a gun at a homeless person. Now does that justify them shooting him? No and I don't believe that he was reaching for a weapon. That's my opinion and in no way should it be represented as anything but. However the police knew they were responding to a potentially hostile situation and let's be honest, Sterling wasn't exactly cooperative which is why they had to slam him to the ground. Now in both case my emotions tell me that the police were wrong but you can't make rational decisions based on emotions. My emotions tell me George Zimmerman should have been found guilty for murder however when you look at at the law Zimmerman was acting on he was justified. Now if you want to call into question how someone can racially profile, stalk , instigate a fight and then fire his weapon in self defense that is fine but based on the facts and the law Zimmerman would have been found not guilty if Trayvon Martin had been named John Smith. It doesn't mean I have to agree with it emotionally but as the law it is what it is. Yes emotionally I want to yell how the fuck does this continue to happen but rationally you have to wait for he facts to come out. It's not siding with the cops, it's called being rational.
I can't verify the reports but I heard that the reason the cops were going there in the first place is that someone reported a black man in a red shirt threatened them with a gun. Again: not saying that is fact, I can't verify it but I do remember hearing that somewhere. I think they even had the dispatch call.
Why did she lose you there? Blacks are being targeted by police disproportionately. They are still being killed unfairly, except instead of men in white hoods it's men in blue. Keep burying your head in the sand.
Now if we could straighten out this violence thing and i can figure out this zubat infestation in my house, all will be ok. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
He'd spend his days in a speed trap pulling his pud to pornhub videos on his phone while cars speed by unnoticed.
The two extremist sides are so wrong, it's perplexing to me that people could even think that way. Your opinon above seems the most rational side in all of it, but unfortunately we're dealt a society that has media throwing shit in our face before any of its factual and the Internet as an open forum to express your opinion. This is proven by media outlets covering their asses in saying "the shooter, whose name is believed to be Micah Xavier Johnson," before it's even truly confirmed. But they cover their possible mistakes by saying believed to be. The difference in the two matters is that the facts of the shootings in Dallas or even Orlando for that matter are cut and dry. Civilians opening fire. Their are factual videos behind it already and an admission from one of the shooters that he was out to kill white cops. Now the police shootings are much less cut and dry. It's so easy for everyone to have an opinion on it. Have you ever wrestled another man to the ground when suddenly you discover he has a gun? Have you ever approached a person's vehicle that explains they have a weapon while reaching for down to their side? Few of us will ever be in this situation. They need to require body cameras on at all times, and in grain them into the uniform so they can't be disguarded. The technology is out there, and our countries upper management needs to invest money into it, or more Dallas-style killings are going to happen. By the way to the guy that said "You reap what you sow?" Did we deserve 9/11 too because of Hiroshima? What an ignorant and irrational thing to say I'm surprised you haven't been banned.