Another Police shooting. Victim had licence to carry. LIVE streamed via FB

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by mute, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Brilliant!.. Sad, but a very savvy business opportunity.
  2. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    It's really shitty if this is what happened but I agree, he should have known better.
  3. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    This is tough. Just watched it again since morning. It sounds like the officer was put into a tough position but at the same time one can argue the officer was trigger happy and nervous.

    I'm to believe the girlfriend because she was calm throughout the whole thing.

    Her Boyfriend is pulled over, officer ask for ID. It sounds as if as hes reaching for the ID he states that he has a gun and is licence to carry one. Officer shoots him dead because most likely when he hears that he figures the driver is going for the gun. I dont believe that before he shoots the driver the officer tells him not to reach for it and for him to get his hand up because again the girlfriend was level headed and was most likely telling the truth there.

    Im obviously not a lawyer (TGG lawyers assemble) but I bet the fact that she was calm and he wasn't is going to be a huge advantage for her in court and maybe her word will be more believable than his. The cop came off as a complete train wreck throwing f-bombs throughout and was visibly nervous. Even with all of this said I feel that the officer will walk.
    greaser likes this.
  4. greaser

    greaser Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Oh, I never said I wanted you to go anywhere. I think you should stay and continue to be a shining example of how not to behave.
    As for me, I come and go as I please for years now and would never presume my presence is needed.
  5. greaser

    greaser Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    I'd say this is about as accurate as you can get for now. Totally agree and you're right. She was calm and concise for the most part. In the end, the officer will be cleared of any wrong doing.
  6. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    If you want an example of an Admin behaving badly, I can do that for you..It not, it would be wise just to move on from this encounter..
  7. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    as always.. Not really sure why all the theatre anymore. We all know how this movie ends..
  8. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Sounds like someone's about to get trigger happy
  9. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Nah.. not trigger happy.. not trigger shy either.
  10. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    seeing that the cell came out,and she went all Hollywood with the camera,im going to assume that the 2 of these people were atleast aware of the "current climate" between the police and black people. Having a gun on you,and you have a permit...would you not fucking make it very clear to the officer,and make him aware completely that you have a weapon before reaching for it,and not just mumble it as traffic goes by? You are actually taught that in ccp class. you don't just grab for it. You can shoot through the dfoesnt have to be fully extended to your face before you react.

    If that were hands would stay on the wheel until I knew he understood I had a gun and gave me further instructions
  11. greaser

    greaser Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Thank you for reinforcing everything I said.
  12. greaser

    greaser Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Sad but true with so much in life.
  13. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Hey greaser, I like you, but this take is dogshit.

    At what point did the cop tell the guy to put his hands on the wheel when he heard that? Or even warn him his life was in danger?

    I keep seeing this scenario play out in these shootings, and it begs the question: who are they protecting and serving?

    Us or themselves?
    greaser likes this.
  14. greaser

    greaser Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Understandable thoughts to have.
    I said earlier that I am a concealed carry holder. The responsibility that comes with that is enormous. You need to be the most well behaved, smartest and courtious person you can be at all breaks.
    People that carry, as the girlfriend's father said in an interview, need to make sure police know exactly what they are getting into.
    If he had done what he was supposed to he would be alive right now.
    Hands on the wheel, sir I have a permit for the weapon in my waistband, wait for further instructions.
    He just made a poor choice to inform the officer while he was reaching for his wallet.
    And thanks, I tolerate you too. Ha!
  15. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I've had my CC for 4 years and just got my open carry a year ago, I'm familiar with the teachings and expectations of a license holder.

    What I don't remember is anyone telling me that the moment I'm issued my license, I surrender my right to a warning from law officers prior to me being shot to death.

    It's not just CC holders either, whenever I see a video of a cop with a dog barking at him and he shoots, it almost always seems unwarranted and the cop never gives the owner a chance to control the animal.

    The prevailing notion is that the officer has been trained to protect his own life above all and he will be protected in the aftermath.

    And that sucks.
  16. greaser

    greaser Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Not an unreasonable conclusion to come to and on some levels I agree.
    My contention is the cop, if given time to process the situation, I'm sure would have reacted differently.
    We can agree that it is a terrible situation. We can also agree that this will undoubtedly polarize our communities even more.
  17. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    these situations aren't as easy as they seem. The media doesn't tell you about all the cops that get shot at in many different ways...including from the pocket in a drivers seat. They don't concentrate at all what it must be like to walk up to a door on a traffic stop not knowing whats going to happen. Happens all the time,everyday. Everyone thinks its so easy. So easy to go from a violent domestic dispute,to a dead child in a car wreck,to a methed up loon being beligerent in the street,and then a traffic stop where a guy reaches to his pants where there happens to be a gun. all in a days work. Because thats the type of shit cops deal with for most of their day...everyday. This narrative doesn't tell us a lot of things.
  18. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    You know me better than that. I haven't even exposed myself to the media narrative on this situation.

    I'm looking at the video and I'm seeing a continuance of a pattern of behavior of law enforcement officers.

    I'm not staying without a doubt that this officer acted outside the acceptable realm of behavior of an officer, but it's discomforting that I keep seeing what on the surface appears to be officers acting to protect themselves from citizens of our country instead of officers protecting citizens of our country.

    And yes, I have seen plenty of examples of officers protecting citizens, because they are broadcast almost continually on COPS and World's Wildest Videos and the dozen or so propaganda shows about law enforcement that never end on TV.

    It just seems like those shows and what happens in these videos seem like they are happening in different worlds.
  19. IDFjet

    IDFjet Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2014
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    These are the same officers who take their orders from Obama to enforce or not enforce a law. And they will be those that come to your house and take away your gun because the Feds said so. They are pawns in a system with no independent agenda. They want to get home to their family just like you and me.
  20. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Ehhh let's no go that road. Like you say, these are people who do a job and collect a paycheck and have children and go to PTA meetings.

    My problem is mainly the way they are trained to react to these situations, and I think it is an institutional issue and needs to be corrected. I'm not sure how far up the ranks of law enforcement the idea of this goes, but I think it's probably further than I'm comfortable with.
    #120 abyzmul, Jul 7, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2016

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