You'd be the first one to try to get a rise out of someone then ask a moderator to ban that person like a little cunt. No matter what race you are , you're shit altogether.
Id love to know why I've been threatened with a ban about 80 times for just having an unpopular opinion? But this guy can call everyone he responds to every name in the book , yet zero warnings. 41 thousand posts , Im sure the name calling hasnt just started today. I dont want him banned Im just wondering why zero input from any mod on this. No matter what the topic he always gets a free pass.
False pretense? Make sure you know what something means before you decide to use it in a big boy sentence. I could give a shit less who agrees or doesn't agree with me here. It's mostly lib city in here anyways and the other part are people afraid that they might come off racist. Well luckily for me I don't give a good god damn if I sound racist or not. Or if I get called it by someone I have zero contact with in my life. If I came in here and said "I hate niggers" "Niggers must die" then maybe I can see your point of being labeled a racist. But now all anyone has to be is be white and look at a black person in a negative way to be racist? Fuckin soft country your kind has made it.
He's intelligent in his arguments and entertaining--even if some think he's going beyond boundaries--u may get banned for using the c word however since it was merely profane.
My kind! It's like you put a bloody period on it, except your worthless mother is probably dead already.
Too early to jump to conclusions this time 2 years ago everyone screamed that Michael brown was shot with his hands up, turned out that never happened at all. Gotta wait for the facts to come out but that won't help people's agenda or their bias so obviously lets all just make our conclusion now
Yes, let's review the amazing comments here! [retard] False pretense? Make sure you know what something means before you decide to use it in a big boy sentence. I could give a shit less who agrees or doesn't agree with me here. It's mostly lib city in here anyways and the other part are people afraid that they might come off racist. Well luckily for me I don't give a good god damn if I sound racist or not. Or if I get called it by someone I have zero contact with in my life. If I came in here and said "I hate niggers" "Niggers must die" then maybe I can see your point of being labeled a racist. But now all anyone has to be is be white and look at a black person in a negative way to be racist? Fuckin soft country your kind has made it. [/retard] Now there's some amazin commentary! You are a worthless cunt. Who woulda thought? Cops did the world a favor. Atleast now his family will get their settlement check and this loser proves to be just another lowlife thug that can't provide for his family without assistance. Atleast it's not coming out of my pocket anymore. This is the man most of you are sticking up for? Yuck
20 years ago it was the cops fault and OJ was the victim in the black community. It's a pattern of self victimization and blame. Difference now is that the media and the black community actively encourages black men to martyr themselves by being combative and resisting cops. You want the cops to shoot black men so you can continue your narrative of victimization. History shows you never condemn black criminals even in the event of overwhelming evidence. Don't worry, combat the cop. if the cop shoots you for we will blame the cops and celebrate you. Be that martyr for the cause.
I get what you're saying, but the reality for the past 40 years is the cop gets the benefit of the doubt, and if there are charges, they are dropped. The problem I have with this thread is that the d-bag who started it is obsessed with race. He's also a fucking asshole. But the control system in place is designed to protect and serve the cop and the citizen is either a victim or a threat to the officer. That's scary.