Not at all. "...Security or administrative sanctions..." are very different from prosecution for violating federal law.
The only thing he could've possibly be referring to there is the stripping of her security clearance. So basically he was saying the minimum punishment for a normal person would've been a stripping of a security clearance but they wont do it because shes Hillary Clinton and it was just an incompetent mistake. Incompetence is the defense of Hillary here. Not a good look. And yet we are going to elect this person president in a couple months, giving her the ultimate security clearance and the keys to the whole damn thing. yikes
There are no "Saints" in this election cycle. There are no "Good Candidates" either. Your choice is to vote or not vote just like mine. I will never vote for FakeHitler nor will I ever accept him as POTUS. Sounds alot like Conservatives and Obama doesn't it.. The Clintons have been hunted by Conservatives going back to "White Water" and it has not stopped. I'm not saying Hillary is the best of the best, but she's the best of the worst. I didn't see the outrage from Conservatives when they never found the WMD's in Iraq although it cost the lives of over 1 million Iraqis and changed forever countless young Americans lives since instead of throwing flowers, Sunni and Shia planted IED's. Exactly what was Dick Cheney's job title again? You're a conservative so we will NEVER agree about anything political. I'll tell you the same thing we were told when that All American Hero George Zimmerman was found innocent: "respect the verdict".
Lol you are irrational. Want to bring up Nixon too? I'm 28 btw, do the math The difference between me and you is that I'm willing to put politics aside and not vote for a bad person just because of the party they are affiliated with As for us never agreeing, I voted for Obama. Twice. Ouch
Conservatives always seem to suffer from Damnesia when its not something they want to admit. The differences between you and I are far too numerous to annotate in this thread. Nixon was an entire generation before Dick Cheney but as it stands, I have a far larger library of wrong doings to choose from so if you'd like, I could bring up even more examples of malfeasance by Polticians. In the bigger picture, Hillary's emails pale in comparison to lying about Gulf War I and II and since you brought it up, Watergate. This "controversy" does serve a purpose though. It keep the spotlight off FakeHitler and his many many issues with just about everything not colored white in this country. Now if and when Drumph comes up with an actual policy about anything that requires more than a soundbite to describe, perhaps we can get back to real politics instead of Trumped up fake controversies designed to distract.
Doesn't he live in Moscow now? What "secrets" did Hillary's emails make public again? Launch codes? NATO Troop deployments? Perhaps the battle plans for the 38th parallel in case of invasion. I'm pretty sure Hillary didn't work at the NSA and even as Sec of State, would have had to been cleared for the kind of things Snowden had access too. Oh yeah, Snowden wasn't exiled either. He ran like a f'n cowardly rat to Moscow for "protection".. Yeah, that's a true Patriot for ya! #keepingitreal
The point you are not getting is that you are creating straw man arguments. You'd rather argue against this made up idea that I supported Dick Cheney rather than argue against the supposed differences that we have that are unnamed. Obviously you don't want to have a real discussion so you keep shitting on Trump as if I said I was voting for Trump As for Hillary you just don't care. Just say it. You're always going to be able to say one scandal is not as bad as another. Again, you think our main difference is viewpoints. Our actual difference is honesty, and you are very dishonest
This election is such a farce. Yesterday Donald Trump took the space that Hillary's dressing down gave him and used it to praise Saddam Hussein. Really.
I don't seem to remember the outrage from Republican's when Scooter Libby got greased by GWB. He only got convicted of treason after all. No big deal.
I never said you supported Dick Cheney. Please show me where I said that. Believe whatever you want about me Beach as it makes no difference in my day one way or the other. I will treat Trump the same way Obama was treated and if that means Trump gets shit on daily, so be it. The reality is Trump pretty much shits on himself. I don't care for Hillary, but she's the least damaging option between two bad choices. Hopefully we get a better class of candidate in 2020. Then again, why would anyone in their right mind want a thankless job that ages you far quicker than normal for what amounts to midlevel CEO pay. No wonder we get idiots running for POTUS.
Then why bring up Cheney? I don't bring up liberals who are scumbags that have nothing to do with the conversation. I think Trump sucks and there is PLENTY to criticize him for but you got mad because I don't care for minimizing the genocide of Jews. I'm cool with that bothering you
Because of all the fuss over emails which is driven by Clinton hate. Snowden did far more damage than Clinton's email but no lynch mob is after him. Cheney's lies about WMD should have driven this level of outrage but it didn't. The only reason why conservatives are so pissed about Hillary not getting indicted is that Trump now still has to run against her based on policy instead of insults. Another Clinton dodged a bullet and its pissing them off.
You call almost a 2500 year gap versus a 25 year gap historical context? The 2nd Punic War vs Gulf War 1/2.. check
I must have missed when Eric Snowden was allowed back in the country and was on the verge of being elected president and then let off the hook. You're living in your own reality and that's sad
Snowden is not being kept out of the country. He chooses not to come back. He chose to run to Moscow so fck him. Let him rot. That's the reality of Snowden the whistleblower. He can get on a flight back to the states whenever he wants. Just that little legal issue that's keeping him on the run. Let him man up and come home. I won't hold my breath for that to happen.. As far as my reality, I'm enjoying the hell out of it.. Good luck with yours..