"To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now."
You're hilarious. There is no option at this point where Hillary is the victim of a conservative witch hunt. Even if you agree she shouldn't be charged doesn't mean she should be president after what she has done. And I will never vote trump so you can miss me with the herr trump nonsense Hey let's create a false equivalence between not showing your tax returns and exposing classified government information to anybody that wants to see it and lying about it repeatedly
Holy shit. In other words "anyone else pulls this shit and they are getting indicted and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But in this one instance we're giving the woman who was the Fucking Secretary of State a get out of jail free card. Because we're in a forgiving mood". Holy shit. _
In this thread we're setting the bar at felon vs. nonfelon as to whether you're qualified to be president
Tbh I think it's pretty insulting to use a term referring to Germans to in turn apply that to evil Germans who murdered Jews and then apply that to trump. It weakens the arguments against actual murderers.
You think her e-mails would have been safer on a gummint server? You really think that a government's server is that safe? C'mon now.
Nixon did less and he had to resign. law doesnt apply to you if your last name is Clinton. Fuck Hillary and her rapist husband.
Uh, no . I think that her lying and lying and lying about it is worse than the debate about whether or not she is allowed to break the rules. But that's just me. For months she was out there decrying this as "over classification run amok " and now that it turns out she was lying every step of the way we're changing the narrative to well government servers suck. Stop it. Just say you are going to support her no matter what. At least you are respectable that way
Please indicate the statute that you would cite as grounds for prosecution and just a general idea of the evidence for such prosecution.