mostly fuck the masshole patriot fans And Iowa. Fuck Iowa. Tbh I get the NW, all they care about is weed so 420 yolo - do your thing cheech. And the NE are entitled trans-cartographical identifying dick envious semiskilled (<--- that last word autocorrected from "feminists" - no joke) so at least it's understandable. But Iowa? You are dead center Usa tryin to be some north coast hipster shit - Fuck you, poser.
Also fuck Republicans and Libertarians and anyone else that still believes our political system at the highest level hasn't been a sham for half a century. Basically, fuck human nature, which twists the control systems of politics, organized religion, the economic machine and anyone who works for the pharma industry, and how they all funnel down misery and break human spirit at the lower levels. Go anarchy.
Hold on there Corndog. Corn: Iowa ranks #1 in corn production. Football: Iowa ended up ranked #9 in 2015; Nebraska ended up 6-7. Beef: Miss Iowa won the swimsuit comp in the 2015 Miss America pageant. That Hawkeye's built for breeding. Yep, fuck Iowa. Ms. Nebraska 2015 does deserve pubes though..
Who cares who is #1 in production? the corn in Nebraska is better quality than the Iowa shit corn. And How many National Titles do the fucking Shitbirds from Iowa have? Oh yea thats right ZERO. And BTW they got buttraped by Stanford in the Rose Bowl after their BS season last year. and women in Nebraska are of much better quality than then ones in Iowa Fuck Iowa.
makes sense based on Climate. after you get west of Kearney its very hard to grow corn without irrigation, which is not only expensive but also very hard to do at times since you have to purchace irrigation rights. There is a good deal of wheat, oats, alfalfa, and sorghum when you get west of Kearney. Beef also becomes more dominant the further west you get, especally in the Sandhills area where the soil it too poor to farm so it is used for cattle grazing.
With no knowledge of where those numbers came from or how "non tax payers" can even vote without committing fraud, I'm calling BS on that chart.
How is that committing fraud? You don't have to be a taxpayer to vote. There is no requirement that you have to pay taxes to vote. I think that's the argument being espoused. Not saying I agree or disagree with it. _
You have to be a citizen to vote. How does a citizen avoid paying taxes without committing tax fraud? I can think of a few select examples (ie priests and charity organizations) but not enough to sway an election. Basically I'm saying the OP needs a source. Is this a cheap shot at folks on welfare?
Lol it's not "fraud", not every "citizen" pays taxes. My daughter turned 18 and voted and never paid taxes in her life. If you don't make money you don't pay taxes. _
Easy answer is it looks really poorly photoshopped. Also, had a quick look at CNN's 2012 exit polls and that wasn't even included.
She is your dependent. You pay taxes, so essentially you indirectly pay her taxes. The fraud I speak of is people getting paid under the table or finding ways to cheat the system to avoid them. Are the map numbers all just housewives and young adults living with their parents? They should count as taxpayers since their head of household pays for everything and the taxes that come with it. I'm just trying to figure out what the map actually represents if anything.
A great many people who have federal income tax withheld, after itemizing or taking the standard deduction actually get all they "paid" as a refund or even more than they paid in the case of the child tax credit, additional child tax credit etc. Therefore technically not paying any federal income tax. However it is ludicrous to say that anyone in America doesn't pay taxes as most of us pay some sort of tax every single day.
I don't pay ANY of her taxes. She has ZERO income. None. Everything I have for her is triple tax free bonds. She has NO tax liability, is NOT a taxpayer either by herself or through me--I actually get a tax CREDIT for her. Dude you do NOT have to be a taxpayer to vote. Has zero to do with fraud. And there are millions of tax-paying tax cheats that vote. Like real tax fraud. And they vote. I think you are confusing apples and oranges. Again, it has never been a requirement to pay taxes to vote. _
even if you are a dependent you still have federal income tax withheld for any income, even if you work at the snack bar a couple days for 7 bucks an hour. If stokes' daughter didn't work 1 day all year in any capacity then yes no federal income tax but did this chart really go around the country and take out the few 18 year old kids that don't work a day all year? maybe but it seems like a daunting task. again as section 336 pointed out those people would still pay some sort of tax over the course of the year. if they buy milk from the 7/11 they are "taxpayers" its possible the chart was looking at tax returns and who got refunded back more than they put in, vs. voting patterns but that would be one difficult task as well to compile. or maybe the chart is just a bunch of bullshit? lol "What The 2012 Election Would Have Looked Like Without Universal Suffrage" Map 3 looks familiar. Looks like they used the 2012 exit poll map as a template throughout that. Map 3: 1920 While women’s suffrage passed in 1920, there were still huge impediments to minorities to vote during that period, for instance in the form of poll taxes (only finally outlawed by the 24th Amendment in 1964). So here’s a version of the map that shows only white voters, men and women.