Hell in a handbasket--that's this world. http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/28/europe/turkey-istanbul-airport-attacks/index.html _
Don't blame all Muslims for the rash of Muslims killing innocents in the name of their God. It's a pretty tolerant religion except for all the intolerance and the violent consequences for being tolerant. _
You tell me why it is being called bombings instead of mass shooting? Damn pesky language, it makes it so difficult communicating specific ideas if you have words with explicit meanings. Will Obama call this terrorism or simply a random bombing? Or is it only terrorism when it happens elsewhere?
What the hell difference does it make what anyone calls it? At least three people went to the airport with at least one gun and one bomb. They shot people and blew up stuff. A dozen or more people are dead. Those were innocent people. Their families don't give a shit what you call it. Somebody tries to make a half assed, pointless, wrong comment inferring guns weren't involved. They were.
It certainly matters what you call it because organized terrorism and random attacks are two entirely different things that would require different approaches to address. No amount of appeals to emotion about what the families think disputes that. And yet you still fail, or simply deliberately avoid, to answer why it is being called a bombing if guns are involved? That's because we all know the truth -- the bombs did the killing. That pesky language communicating specific ideas just rearing its ugly head again.
I don't think if my kid was killed It would matter much if it was a gun or bomb that did the killing. Why don't we wait just until the autopsy results are in to see whether the guns or bombs get more productivity if it matters at all?