Seek and you will find. Drugs can be obtained just about anywhere. Projects, suburbs. It was always all about who you know. In terms of Drug Distribution from what I read, Asbury Park and Toms River had huge parts in distribution. Asbury, at one point was just a large project hence the name Dark City, but Toms River was never classified as a project and plenty of drugs like Heroine, Coke, PILLS, a lot of white kids sold them in schools.
Toms River is 70 percent white trash and 30 percent black trash. So its not a shock to me that they are the heroin capital in this state. But just because there are tons of towns in Jersey that have insane heroin addiction doesnt mean that there arent other places in this country where its harder for kids to get drugs. There are other states outside of the one that you live in that would be affected by a drug legalization.
I am sure it is the same wherever you go. It might be easier to find in the Projects, but the selling of these drugs are in pretty much any community. NJ has a big problem with heroin. Drugs are far easier to obtain now in comparison to the past. Just like porn.
Which would only grow with legalization IMO. Porn is a great example. More people today view porn than they would if it was harder to get/illegal. So much so that some people claim they are "addicted" to porn.
Yeah I am not a fan of the legalization of heroin absolutely, it is the most addictive / dangerous drug out there. Next is nicotine. I've seen people pass away because of it and I've seen people go to rehabilitation facilities only to never see them again. All at a young age. But we have humans for some reason accept people that take this drug and we've gone as far as to provide "safe havens" so people can continue to shoot up. It's very unlikely you die from withdrawal, but it just isn't right. Gotta stop the war on drugs though first and foremost, it's a complete waste of the governments money. People can be addicted to porn, I truly believe it. When you are passing up some prime time pu-tang to watch porn, you have an issue.
no its called being married. This is probably a topic for another thread but I guess people can become "addicted" to anything but I find porn and sex addictions to be a stretch IMO. we all like titties and asses, of course were addicted, were men
It's how dudes that have gotten caught try to get themselves out of the doghouse. "It wasn't me honey, I'm addicted to sex! Blame the illness!! _
Truth4U2 was a porn addled wankmaster before he found the Lord. This scientifically proves that Catholicism is the only true path to personal freedom.
Remind me not to get married lol, I have been seeing the same chick for 4 years, I might be fucked. Didn't we have this thread before? I swear I remember talking about this. I refer to this specific type of addition when it affects your performance in the bedroom. It's cool to wank, but if you are going to get laid in about 15 mins and you can't wait ... saw this awful movie called Don Jon, got the concept from that movie.
Well no. I thought you said addiction, illness and use would skyrocket. What happened in Portugal was that the number of users halved with most of the half still using now being in treatment. It also greatly reduced overdoses and Hiv. Pretty much the opposite of what you said you thought would happen. One demographic went slightly up while use as a whole went down significantly. Like, 100 people were using before with 10 of them being adolescents. The number drops to 50 total but now 12 of those are adolescents and you point at the increase from 10 to 12 as proof of failure? Of course that doesn't mean it would work exactly the same here but Portugal is an example of a country that tried something similar to what I suggested and it had a very positive impact. That's not even considering the impacts on the prison population. I would like to take it a step further and legalize it. that way it can be regulated and taxed. We're supposed to be the home of the free, not the home of the highest per capita prison population.
Well this story took a bizarre turn. Guys were on a rescue mission to get a girl they thought was being held in a basement in Brooklyn(like the biggie lyrics? ). Gun shop owner has a personal vendetta with heroin use aftet losing his daughter to an o.d. now the nypd has the girl but says she wasn't being held against her will. Don't sound like bad guys but they have to do time. No way around it, i think.
Could we agree on dumb asses with good intentions? They could have made some attempt to hide the guns... Even dumb ass Sheldon attempted to hide the gun.
I won't argue that. The execution of their plan left alot to be desired. Too high profile of a vehicle, vehicle had a cracked windshield, always have to make sure the vehicle is tip top when riding dirty. just sloppy, thats how you know they are not criminals.