Br4d, I'm beginning to wonder if Trump is indeed the quintessential Manchurian Candidate... Thanks to Trump, the House AND Senate are now in play for the Dems.
I can easily believe Trump really doesn't want to win. Best thing that could happen to him is the establishment figures out a way to oust him at the convention, he gets to play martyr about it, claim victory anyway, and laugh all the way to the bank without having to do any real work at all. Having a secret plan to destroy the Republican party? That's a bridge too far for me.
Trump has said twice now that he's playing a part and it's an important part. I don't really think he's trying to take the GOP down but you have to wonder at this point. All the pseudo-fascist stuff that he was doing in the primaries was made to order for an authoritarian party going off the rails. It was like he was dialing up exactly what the GOP establishment desperately wanted to keep covered up.
This would be the "Trump is on shaky financial ground and needs to do a bunch of marketing around 'I ran for President but the system is too corrupt to be fixed' theme." That would allow him to diss the judges and regulators he is going to have to deal with in that scenario and build up popular support for the notion that it is all political harassment and not the result of his financial boondoggles over the last decade that is causing the problem. Could Trump have gone after the judge in the lawsuit the way he did if he didn't have the Mexican Wall to tie his claims too?
no thank you. I don't get all the BS about her stupid Armani jacket. There are plenty of real things to go after Hillary for. I couldn't care less what she wears so long as she's properly covered up.
most of these "political posters" posted on the internet are usually BS. I would like to know if that jacket actually cost that much..
This is gold! But seriously as a Independent who is looking for a moderate who speaks common sense policies. I am actually enjoying the side show this year I am hoping Trump does damage to the republican party as I hope Sanders shakes or breaks the Democrats foundation as well. This system is broken and thats why Trump and Sanders looks so appealing to so many it's hard for some to rationalize it even myself